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Account sign up page - removnig fields - advice needed!!


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OK, I'm planning on removing the "dob" "gender" and "subscribe" fields.


I have two ideas on how to do this, and want some advice on which route would be best to take


Option 1:

Remove the fields from the "account_details.php" file

Remove any reference to these fields from the javascript.js form check

Remove the colums from the database (I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not)


Option 2:

Just have hidden variables in the form for each of the above unwanted fields with dummy info ie hidden "date of birth" with 01/01/1901 or something.


We don't ever plan on letting the customer edit their acct. info (except for shipping address if needed in the check out process).




What I'm concerned about with option 1:

It is possible that some page of the site will request all the info from the database and if the colums are missing, it will create a huge error.


What I'm concerned about with option 2:

If somehow a user did get to see their info it'll be bunk info, and that might annoy them.





Lemme know what ya'll think! :D

I need to read the rules more often...

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Pulling my hair out. I keep reading about these true/false options for required fields in the application_top.php file, but it just isn't in my file. running on recent build.


version info from file: $Id: application_top.php,v 1.260 2003/02/07 22:01:55 dgw_ Exp $


where could it have moved???





p.s. also checked osxguide and it also refers to application_top.php line 142. not there...

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Also, if I understand you correctly, you wish to remove the subscribe/unsubscribe from the account creation.


Keep in mind that if you do this, and then send them a newsletter, this comes dangerously close to spam, as the customers didn't exactly 'opt in' the newsletter.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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Linda, thanks. that worked for those fields.


Question, is there an easy option like that for the other fields like address and telephone etc. or would I have to do the edits to the account files and the java check files as mentioned in other threads?


I'm not a retailer myself but am using the software to setup a products guide and then send my members to affiliated retailers for the purchase. therefore I do not need them to register through osCommerce, but want them to have the ability to write reviews and create wishlists. Maybe just ask for a username and password so they can edit those features.


using the software for something more like an epinions.com or mtbreview.com but for a targeted interest group.


thanks again.


p.s. this software is awesome and I appreciate the work you and others have done to make this available.

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For the other fields, you need to edit the code itself. They are not defined the same way. You could look at how the ones you can turn on and off are defined as a bit of a guide to making the changes.

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