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Trouble with Checkout!!!


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hello folks,


i'm newbie so take it easy on me.


i'm alpha testing osc as a possible deployment solution. everything is working fine except the checkout area, when i click checkout here's the error that i get:


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /Users/admin/Sites/catalog/includes/classes/ups.php:160) in /Users/admin/Sites/catalog/checkout_payment.php on line 32


is anyone familiar with this error? do i have to modify the checkout_payment.php?


I'm running php 4.1.2, mysql 3.x.x, osc 2.1

macintosh os 10.2.3


All knowledge is greatly appreciated. :D

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Nearly everyone on here is using 2.2 .


I 've been using it since dec and no probs.


Most if not all the liatest live shops are using it.


If you get stuck , most answers are oin the forums here .


Most of the useful contributions work with osc 2.2 .


Give it a try.


It is much more *Usable*


...oh and its open source ..so you can make simple changes if you want and find someone for more advanced coding if need be.

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Thanks for the quick reply. updating has everything working fine.


I'm going to have some items downloadable. I've dug through the posts and found the instructions for dowloading. The manual says this:


Add the product in the admin, then go to Attributes and add a download attribute.


I've done that and i get the option on the product page but nothing happens at the end, there's no link.


what am i missing?

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