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The e-commerce.

HTMLSPECIALCHARS'ing image Alt information


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I just came across something that the OSC team should be aware of. I recently added a product that included a double-quote character in the name. When the name was passed as the alt attribute for the image tag, it threw things for a whack because that double-quote character ended the attributes definition rather than being a part of it.


So my suggestion is to run any alt attributes and possibly product names through HTMLSPECIALCHARS to correct this.


Please let me know if the above is unclear or if any additional information is desired.



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That should be taken care of already with the introduction of the tep_parse_input_field_data() function in includes/functions/html_output.php.


Look here for related commits:




Please note, the above function has yet to be implemented in the Administration Tool.

:heart:, osCommerce

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