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JavaScript : Add to cart question; validating users choices


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OK here's my problem: We have a tee shirt and it has (4) styles, and (6) sizes.


However the first 2 styles are only offered in 3 sizes...


So sceneario:

User picks style

User picks size

User pushes submit


System needs to check that the style is offered in the size.


Function is called by: <a href="#" onclick="verifySizes(this.form);">


The java script:


function verifySizes(form)


style = form.id[1][form.id[1].selectedIndex].value

size = form.id[2][form.id[2].selectedIndex].value


if ((size == 1) && (style == 7)) {

alert ('The item you have requested is not available in the selected size / style configuration');



else{ document.cart_quantity.submit(); }




Basically if size "1" is selected from the pulldown menu, and and style "7" I want to pop an alert box notifying the customer that this style does not exist in this size.


For some reason when I push sumbit I get an error:


"form has no properties"


But I'm passing the form name in.....


Any suggestions???

I need to read the rules more often...

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