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Tax Exempt and Organization Discounts


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Just wanted to make everyone aware of my module I wrote for my company this week, which I released on this site.




This supports US Tax Exempt status, as well as gerneric us organization discounts.


If someone could provibe a button for the admin page, that would be great! (i am terrible with graphics)


If anyone has suggestions / commants ways to improve this module, please let me know.


[email protected]

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My module is desgined to take care of US 501C & 503C tax exemptions.


I am working on some code right now to make the module send email to the customer requesting a faxed or emailed copy of the actualy 501C and/or 503C tax exemption forms.


if canada (and other countries are different) and if you know their law, then I will try to add support for those countries as well.


I had heard that someone else was working on a tax exempt module as well, but I have not seen it yet. (and my boss wanted something to be put up quickly :? )

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Thanks for the mod - Ive looked at it and without detailed instructions im not sure if its going to do what i need.


In the UK we have similar TAX exemption procedure for medical productswhere an organisation can such as a hospital can be group 12 exempt FOR ANY item and a private individudal can be tax exempt for certain items.


Will this mod support that kind of set up - ie at checkout the user can be present with a couple of boxes:


<tick here> --- I am a private individual and wish to claim exemption on all elidgable products in my basket


<tick here> I am a company with group 12 VAT exemption status and wish to claim VAT exemption


The mod then recalculates the order on the fly showing changes there and then as well as email etc etc? Or do I have to set each users account up etc before they can place an order? I take it that from the SQL you include that eacj product will be settable as to whether it will allow exemption etc ?




Graham Wright


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well, currently the mod is setup with two fields that are set when the account is created by the user, and can be adjusted later by the user or the admin.


1st field - 'tax exempt' = simple yes / no drop down list

2nd field - 'tax exemt id' = text input box where you would enter your tax exempt id #.


the way this works is if the user selects yes to tax exempt, his entire order will be tax-free. This sounds like it might work for your group 12 tax exemption example.


as far as a private individual being tax exempt on select items, that is not supported currently.


this sounds like the tax exempt drop down list should be changed to something like this (i will make this list dynamically editable, so the admin can fill in the appropriate tax classes):


'Not Tax Exempt'

'US - 501C Tax Exempt'

'US - 503C Tax Exempt'

'UK - VAT Group # Tax Exempt'

'UK - Individual Tax Exempt Class'


and then in the product screens, the admin could check the appropriate tax exemption classes for that particular product (these too would be dyamically displayed based on tax exempt classes defined above).


the mod currently adjusts the price dynamically at checkout time to remove the appropriate taxes.


I am currently working on an email function to send email for the user to fax in the appropriate matching tax exempt documents that correspond with the tax exempt id they have.


if the users are already defined, then you will have to go through each one and select the appropriate tax exempt class for them (or perhaps send them an email asking them to update their tax status) .


[email protected]

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  • 2 months later...

I have added the contribution to my shop. However, I get the following error when I go to customers through the admin panel....


1146 - Table 'bibletag_bibletags.TABLE_ORGANIZATION_TYPE' doesn't exist


select org_type_title from TABLE_ORGANIZATION_TYPE where org_type_id=0




However, I have the table added to mysql so it should find it. Here's a copy of the table...

TABLE organization_type (

 org_type_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

 org_type_title varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

 org_type_description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

 last_modified datetime default NULL,

 date_added datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

 org_type_discount tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',

 PRIMARY KEY  (org_type_id)



Please help. I have NO IDEA why it isn't working.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

The latest version of this contribution is 1.5, and, together with a bug fix, it is working with MS2 just fine.


However, I am having the issue with it: for Exempt Tax customer, the product itself is not taxed, but shipping is.


E.g. suppose item's price is $100, and tax is 10%, ans shipping is $10 ... For regular buyer, the tax amount charged to the purchase would be ($100+$10)*10%= $11. For tax exempt purchases, this amount should be zero. But, it is not so here: tax on shipping is still being calculated ($1).


As far as I understand, the "sale" is defined as the sum of product and shipping cost. Therefore, the shipping should not be taxed, for tax exempted sales.


Anyone have idea how to fix that?


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  • 1 month later...

I have installed this mod into my store and now I have a sticky situation. If the Customer is Exempt and Has an Organizational Discount And the Product has Attributes such as size, color etc, when the customer checks out it posts double attribute information into the order for the Color or Size, but not the discount. Please help me track this down. I do not know where to look or what exactly I am looking for!


Thanks for any help on this one.



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