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One Page Checkout Support


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Thank you very much Steve,


The other small bug i have involves the payment method stored after a pay pal standard order.

I get "paypal_standard" in the order data, rather than "Pay Pal Website Payments Standard" this seems like a small problem and does not prevent me from using OPC. Anyone know where to look for that broken ref.


On a side note, has anyone used the google's level 2 checkout contrib with OPC?






Hi Mike


This is set in admin on the payment for mod status filed,



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One Page Checkout 1.2 Posted: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6646


Version 1.2

#1: cart quantities on checkout.php are updated automatically without clicking update button (update button is now removed)

#2: buysafe support added

#3: logged in customers can update address fields on checkout.php without using the address book popup (option in admin > config > one page checkout for this)

#4: Some fixes for KTG coupons

#5: customer account is now created before going to checkout_process

#6: made OPC respect required values settings for customer fields

#7: fixed alignment of state/province field so it stays aligned when selected

#8: Paypal express support added

#9 Worldpay Junior support added

#10 Added support for the vouchers part of the vouchers/coupons module (before only supported coupons)

#11 Added optional popup loader to keep customers from selecting shipping and payment modules before they finish loading (option in admin > config > one page checkout for this)

#12 Added compatibility for sites that don't use State/Province

#13 Customer accounts are now created before going to checkout_process.php

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I just installed the One Page checkout 1.2 and I got this error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\catalog\checkout.php on line 982


Do any of you get this?



in checkout.php at the bottom find

<div id="ajaxMessages" style="display:none;">
<!-- dialogs_eof//-->

replace it with

<div id="ajaxMessages" style="display:none;">
<!-- dialogs_eof//-->



for anyone upgrading from 1.1 you will need to run this sql

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES (NULL, 'Show Address in input Fields', 'ONEPAGE_CHECKOUT_SHOW_ADDRESS_INPUT_FIELDS', 'False', 'Show address for logged in customers in input fields instead of just showing text?', 7575, 20, NULL, now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'False\',\'True\'),');
INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES (NULL, 'Make loader message popup', 'ONEPAGE_CHECKOUT_LOADER_POPUP', 'True', 'Make loader message popup?', 7575, 21, NULL, now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'False\',\'True\'),');


If you get html code below select state, when your not loged in,

in catalog/includes/checkout/billing_address.php find

	<td class="main" width="33%" id="stateCol_billing"><?php echo $onePageCheckout->getAjaxStateField($defaultCountry);?><div <? if(tep_not_null($billingAddress['zone_id']) || tep_not_null($billingAddress['state'])){ ?>class= "success_icon ui-icon-green ui-icon-circle-check" <? }else{?> class="required_icon ui-icon-red ui-icon-gear" <?} ?> style="margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 1px; float: left;" title="Required" /></div></td>


replace it with

<td class="main" width="33%" id="stateCol_billing"><?php echo $onePageCheckout->getAjaxStateField($defaultCountry);?><div <?php if(tep_not_null($billingAddress['zone_id']) || tep_not_null($billingAddress['state'])){ ?> class= "success_icon ui-icon-green ui-icon-circle-check" <?php }else{?> class="required_icon ui-icon-red ui-icon-gear" <?php } ?> style="margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 1px; float: left;" title="Required" /></div></td>



Edited by steve_s
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Hi Steve (or anyone else out there for that matter)


I installed 1.2 and thought all my prayers had been answered. The account is now set up before going to paypal. Hurray.


A word of caution to anyone using paypal_ipn, OPC v1.2 now includes a version of the file catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php which was not included previously.

I had to use my own version which was already there from IPN v2.3.3 rather than this new version.


HOWEVER, then I spotted another even more important problem, which applies to 1.1 and 1.2. I didn't spot it earlier. I rolled back to v1.1 to check that I was not imaging things.


I have Options Type Feature (OTF) installed which may or may not be relevant and just realised that the update cart process used by OPC is different to normal.

Without OPC all modifications to the cart are performed by catalog/shopping_cart.php. On the order confirmation page, if the customer wants to update products he is directed to catalog/shopping_cart.php and the changes are done there before returning through the multiple screens. That all works fine.


If OPC is turned on, the options are carried forward to the OPC page and if no changes are made to the shopping cart in checkout.php then all is well. BUT if the quantity in the cart on the OPC page is changed the options are lost. The values in field 'products_options_value_text' in table 'customers_basket_attributes' appear to be deleted during the cart update.


I cannot find where the update to that table is done in OPC. Please can you point me to where it is done so maybe I can modify it.


Thanks very much


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One Page Checkout 1.2 Posted: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6646


Version 1.2

#1: cart quantities on checkout.php are updated automatically without clicking update button (update button is now removed)

#2: buysafe support added

#3: logged in customers can update address fields on checkout.php without using the address book popup (option in admin > config > one page checkout for this)

#4: Some fixes for KTG coupons

#5: customer account is now created before going to checkout_process

#6: made OPC respect required values settings for customer fields

#7: fixed alignment of state/province field so it stays aligned when selected

#8: Paypal express support added

#9 Worldpay Junior support added

#10 Added support for the vouchers part of the vouchers/coupons module (before only supported coupons)

#11 Added optional popup loader to keep customers from selecting shipping and payment modules before they finish loading (option in admin > config > one page checkout for this)

#12 Added compatibility for sites that don't use State/Province

#13 Customer accounts are now created before going to checkout_process.php


Great news on the update. A few questions before I crack on with it though.


1) All the files to be dropped over the old ones? What about a new database change?

2) I have Version Checker installed, but how can I get it to work with this as there is no admin/configuration/checkout.php to put it in.

3) What exactly do the fixes for KTG do? As there have been lots of problems in getting this to work, does it mean it will now work.

4) The link to the voucher contribution is not the KTG one is it?



Edited by Whiskers
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Great news on the update. A few questions before I crack on with it though.


1) All the files to be dropped over the old ones? What about a new database change?

2) I have Version Checker installed, but how can I get it to work with this as there is no admin/configuration/checkout.php to put it in.

3) What exactly do the fixes for KTG do? As there have been lots of problems in getting this to work, does it mean it will now work.

4) The link to the voucher contribution is not the KTG one is it?



slight database change, i have upgraded, am not able to get login to work it sends me to index.php, ajax state drop down wont update for me on country change, cart update is horrible you cant delete qty and enter a new amount, as soon as you delete it reloads, have to highlight qty then type over it



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Hi Steve (or anyone else out there for that matter)


I installed 1.2 and thought all my prayers had been answered. The account is now set up before going to paypal. Hurray.


A word of caution to anyone using paypal_ipn, OPC v1.2 now includes a version of the file catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php which was not included previously.

I had to use my own version which was already there from IPN v2.3.3 rather than this new version.


HOWEVER, then I spotted another even more important problem, which applies to 1.1 and 1.2. I didn't spot it earlier. I rolled back to v1.1 to check that I was not imaging things.


I have Options Type Feature (OTF) installed which may or may not be relevant and just realised that the update cart process used by OPC is different to normal.

Without OPC all modifications to the cart are performed by catalog/shopping_cart.php. On the order confirmation page, if the customer wants to update products he is directed to catalog/shopping_cart.php and the changes are done there before returning through the multiple screens. That all works fine.


If OPC is turned on, the options are carried forward to the OPC page and if no changes are made to the shopping cart in checkout.php then all is well. BUT if the quantity in the cart on the OPC page is changed the options are lost. The values in field 'products_options_value_text' in table 'customers_basket_attributes' appear to be deleted during the cart update.


I cannot find where the update to that table is done in OPC. Please can you point me to where it is done so maybe I can modify it.


Thanks very much


try the old includes/checkout/cart.php that has the cart update button



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If anyone is having issues with the checkout.php page being blank, or having some issues with displaying all the content on the page, I found that a few pages coding have


<? instead of <?php


they are include/checkout/payment_method.php


and /checkout.php

once you have changed all that to <?php it should work, at least it did for me

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slight database change, i have upgraded, am not able to get login to work it sends me to index.php, ajax state drop down wont update for me on country change, cart update is horrible you cant delete qty and enter a new amount, as soon as you delete it reloads, have to highlight qty then type over it




Maybe I won't bother with it then. Seeing as I've just got it working on the older version! :D

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try the old includes/checkout/cart.php that has the cart update button




OK, I can't find it. I searched the store for TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES to find out what functions impact this table. With OTF there is an extra field called 'products_options_value_text'.

I am looking for somewhere else that updates that table which isn't aware of that extra field, but I cannot find any new code relating to that table. The only relevant functions which update that table are in includes/classes/shopping_cart.php and admin/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php.


So why does updating the cart work OK without OPC, but when I use OPC it deletes the text in those fields when the customer presses update? Does the update button in OPC not take a snapshot of what is in the shopping cart? The only place this data is stored is in the customer_basket_attributes table. Instead does OPC empty the basket and recreate the products from the various products tables each time the update button is pressed and is therefore doomed to failure? If so where does it do that and how can I make it use the same logic as the non OPC update button?


HELP please.




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If I set Make Loader Page Popup to true in admin, the OPC page hangs after doing some calculations. If I set it to false all is well. Any idea what might cause that, or how to identify which function call is causing the stop?




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If I set Make Loader Page Popup to true in admin, the OPC page hangs after doing some calculations. If I set it to false all is well. Any idea what might cause that, or how to identify which function call is causing the stop?




Hi Lee,


Did you run the sql i posted above if you upgraded?

As for you other problem check the contribution and see if you have to add code anywhere else,



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Hey everyone,


As soon as I saw the update for this contribution, and it stated that cusomters can edit their information right on the page, i couldn't wait to try it out. In the beginning it worked fine, i did the db update, I had only a few issues at that time


1) the update cart button was there for some reason even though the cart area in the checkout page updates automatically.


2) I cant remember :P


Anyways I was happy its working and decided since I just got my SSL a couple of days ago to turn that on. For some reason now my page looked weird. Then I'm like huh. That wasn't there before. So I went into my configure.php and turned it back off. but the page is still not ok. Also I know it was mentioned that when some parts are blank we need to edit some files and change <? into <?php. even though initially nothing was blank. I still did that and nothing changed for me, so kept it. Now I'm like maybe thats the cause so after setting my SSL back to normal. I copied the files from the contibution to my site. Still didn't work. I'll attach a screenshot to show you what im talking about. Also you can go on my site and see it for yourself. So if you guys look below, the images are missing the shipping address and shipping method, anyone know why?










Thank you in advance,


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Hey everyone,


As soon as I saw the update for this contribution, and it stated that cusomters can edit their information right on the page, i couldn't wait to try it out. In the beginning it worked fine, i did the db update, I had only a few issues at that time


1) the update cart button was there for some reason even though the cart area in the checkout page updates automatically.


2) I cant remember :P


Anyways I was happy its working and decided since I just got my SSL a couple of days ago to turn that on. For some reason now my page looked weird. Then I'm like huh. That wasn't there before. So I went into my configure.php and turned it back off. but the page is still not ok. Also I know it was mentioned that when some parts are blank we need to edit some files and change <? into <?php. even though initially nothing was blank. I still did that and nothing changed for me, so kept it. Now I'm like maybe thats the cause so after setting my SSL back to normal. I copied the files from the contibution to my site. Still didn't work. I'll attach a screenshot to show you what im talking about. Also you can go on my site and see it for yourself. So if you guys look below, the images are missing the shipping address and shipping method, anyone know why?













Wth, sorry for my language but now the checkout appears fine. was the issue caused by my setting SSL to true? and also I notice all the pages that use SSL when SSL is on, they have the OSCID thing showing. can anyone help me



Thank you in advance,


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Hey people,


One last thing, I remember the second issue I wanted to mention in my first post. It's


2) using the login in my footer, to login instead of the one on the checkout page, causes a small issue. When it comes back from the login page to the checkout.php everything is fine except the address. The fields are blank. only the site is set to "Canada". Does anyone know the cause of this issue? It seems that the session is kept. But I don't know what the issue is.




Thank you in advance,


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Another issue is I can't update "quantity". When I try to change quantity it won't do it, it just goes back to original number. I think something is with the jQuery because the ajax_load image pops up as soon as I try to update the quantity. Do you know what's going on here?





in checkout.php at the bottom find

<div id="ajaxMessages" style="display:none;">
<!-- dialogs_eof//-->

replace it with

<div id="ajaxMessages" style="display:none;">
<!-- dialogs_eof//-->



for anyone upgrading from 1.1 you will need to run this sql

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES (NULL, 'Show Address in input Fields', 'ONEPAGE_CHECKOUT_SHOW_ADDRESS_INPUT_FIELDS', 'False', 'Show address for logged in customers in input fields instead of just showing text?', 7575, 20, NULL, now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'False\',\'True\'),');
INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES (NULL, 'Make loader message popup', 'ONEPAGE_CHECKOUT_LOADER_POPUP', 'True', 'Make loader message popup?', 7575, 21, NULL, now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'False\',\'True\'),');


If you get html code below select state, when your not loged in,

in catalog/includes/checkout/billing_address.php find

	<td class="main" width="33%" id="stateCol_billing"><?php echo $onePageCheckout->getAjaxStateField($defaultCountry);?><div <? if(tep_not_null($billingAddress['zone_id']) || tep_not_null($billingAddress['state'])){ ?>class= "success_icon ui-icon-green ui-icon-circle-check" <? }else{?> class="required_icon ui-icon-red ui-icon-gear" <?} ?> style="margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 1px; float: left;" title="Required" /></div></td>


replace it with

<td class="main" width="33%" id="stateCol_billing"><?php echo $onePageCheckout->getAjaxStateField($defaultCountry);?><div <?php if(tep_not_null($billingAddress['zone_id']) || tep_not_null($billingAddress['state'])){ ?> class= "success_icon ui-icon-green ui-icon-circle-check" <?php }else{?> class="required_icon ui-icon-red ui-icon-gear" <?php } ?> style="margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 1px; float: left;" title="Required" /></div></td>



Edited by BrianCH
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Hi Lee,


Did you run the sql i posted above if you upgraded?

As for you other problem check the contribution and see if you have to add code anywhere else,



Thanks Steve. Yes I did do the database change. It appears to be the same as that instructed in the v1.2 instructions, yes? 2 extra queries are listed there.


I will check through all the code changes again.


All the best


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Another issue is I can't update "quantity". When I try to change quantity it won't do it, it just goes back to original number. I think something is with the jQuery because the ajax_load image pops up as soon as I try to update the quantity. Do you know what's going on here?



only way you can update cart is to highlight then type over, if you delete it removes focus and it updates, try using includes/checkout/cart.php from 1.1



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Hey people,


One last thing, I remember the second issue I wanted to mention in my first post. It's


2) using the login in my footer, to login instead of the one on the checkout page, causes a small issue. When it comes back from the login page to the checkout.php everything is fine except the address. The fields are blank. only the site is set to "Canada". Does anyone know the cause of this issue? It seems that the session is kept. But I don't know what the issue is.




Hi AE,


What is the code you have for login in your footer, also SSL shouldn't change layout, instal sid killer to remove oscid, or force cookie use



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One Page Checkout 1.2 Posted: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6646


Version 1.2

#1: cart quantities on checkout.php are updated automatically without clicking update button (update button is now removed)

#2: buysafe support added

#3: logged in customers can update address fields on checkout.php without using the address book popup (option in admin > config > one page checkout for this)

#4: Some fixes for KTG coupons

#5: customer account is now created before going to checkout_process

#6: made OPC respect required values settings for customer fields

#7: fixed alignment of state/province field so it stays aligned when selected

#8: Paypal express support added

#9 Worldpay Junior support added

#10 Added support for the vouchers part of the vouchers/coupons module (before only supported coupons)

#11 Added optional popup loader to keep customers from selecting shipping and payment modules before they finish loading (option in admin > config > one page checkout for this)

#12 Added compatibility for sites that don't use State/Province

#13 Customer accounts are now created before going to checkout_process.php


At the points 5 and 13 you said that customer account is created before going to checkout_process.

I've tried this and the account is created only when you push the continue button.

I want to create account before push the continue button.

Is possible?



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