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One Page Checkout Support


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Hi Steve,

thanks for your help, I was wondering if you could perhaps help with your superior knowledge, as I have been going for hours and can't make heads or tails of why my site is behaving this way... I'm sorry if you have answered this before, I scoured this forum, but still can't seem to find a direct answer on this:


When using One Page Checkout, irrespective of whether I have it set to true or false in admin, my site ALWAYS goes to login.php.


Do you know why this could be? Shouldn't it go straight to One Page Checkout and allow creation of account from there without requiring a login?


I'm pretty disappointed, I really wanted this contribution to sidestep the need for login.


Any light you can shed would be much appreciated. :-)

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Ive installed this contribution, every thing seems to be working fine, but when I enter a credit card number and click submit, the details of that credit card do not show up in the admin section, where as they do if I turn the contribution off and go back to the normal one, any ideas?



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Has anybody solved this?

I am having exactly the same problem. Steve, when you say, "have you added any extra fields text area content to one page checkout", do you mean adding content to any of the checkout_whatever pages? ie, are all those main pages like checkout_shipping, and checkout_success, are they to be totally devoid of anything extra? Do you mean all these pages collectively when you refer to the 'one page checkout'? Because yes, I have extra stuff in them, but I'd rather not fiddle with them if I don't have to so I want to make sure I understand you.



nope i mean on checkout.php for one page checkout, MATC contribution can not be used with one page checkout cause the terms and conditions are submitted in the form function and will cause an error



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Ive installed this contribution, every thing seems to be working fine, but when I enter a credit card number and click submit, the details of that credit card do not show up in the admin section, where as they do if I turn the contribution off and go back to the normal one, any ideas?



What payment module is this?

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Hi Steve


Its just the standard Credit Card module that comes with oscommerce, but we also need to tie it in with Protx/SagePay eventually.

Is this the one thats called cc.php not to be used for live sites?


It should work send a screen shot of admin of the order with no ccc details to www.itwebexperts.com

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Anyone have success using Authorize.net AIM module with Onepage Checkout?


I'm experiencing issues...not getting any errors, but the transaction does not appear to be getting to Authorize.net, as it's not showing up there. SIM does work, it's AIM that is causing problems.


- I am getting no errors

- It's on a Godaddy hosting account, cURL path is set to 'curl'

- All Authorize.net account info is correct...if it wasn't, would there be an error?

- Any ideas on how to check if the information is being sent correctly to Authorize.net?


Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.

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OnePage Checkout is written in UTF-8 character set and osCommerce uses ISO-8859-1.


If you are in the latest version of checkout.php replaces all occurrences of UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 so it will be fine.


utf8_encode echo ($ content);

>> echo $content; >> Echo $ content;


$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => utf8_encode($header)); $ info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => utf8_encode ($ header));

>> $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $header); >> $ Info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => $ header);


$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => utf8_encode($contents)); $ info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => utf8_encode ($ contents));

>> $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $contents); >> $ Info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => $ contents);

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everything seems to be working, except the only issue I have at the moment is that the orders in admin, dont assign the customers details but the billing and shipping address are assigned.


I am guessing this means that the one page checkout does send billing and shipping but not customer?


I will check a few things out first, make sure I didnt delte them when I was rejigging a few things.


When I get the gift voucher mod installed and working on its own I will let you know how I get on with the integration.


Great mod, and I will be doing a lot more testing once, have had a few teething problems, mainly around the settings regarding currency and addresses, and once they were sorted out most of the shipping and payment mods appeared to work okay.







Okay I have the gift voucher mod installed and working in full on its own.


The problem I have is I am unable to use the voucher balance to purchase goods with using one page checkout the option simply is not there under the payment options.#


It is there however outside of one page checkout, I am using one page checkout version 1.03, can anyone help point us in the right direction with this, I am guessing but it is directly linked to the credit class payment side of things?


also does anyone have this working on any version?




Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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Okay I have the gift voucher mod installed and working in full on its own.


The problem I have is I am unable to use the voucher balance to purchase goods with using one page checkout the option simply is not there under the payment options.#


It is there however outside of one page checkout, I am using one page checkout version 1.03, can anyone help point us in the right direction with this, I am guessing but it is directly linked to the credit class payment side of things?


also does anyone have this working on any version?




Hi johnny,


this is what i did at top of the one page checkout i added the coupon outside of the one page checkout form ie see below

<!-- body_text //-->
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
 <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td><h1 class="landing-list"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></h1></td>
 <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>
 <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/coupon_checkout.php'); ?> <!-- notice coupon box call here this box uses a form and submit  //-->
  <?php echo tep_draw_form('checkout', tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT, '', $request_type)) . tep_draw_hidden_field('action', 'process'); ?> <!-- checkout form starts here //-->

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I dont have the file coupon_checkout.php.


had a look at checkout payment.php which is where the use voucher balance is and compare it to the checkout.php file.


there are several mentions of the gv code mentioned so maybe I need to work out how to get that incorporated.




Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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Has there been a fix for the refresh issues as yet?


I have installed this contribution and use weight based Royal Mail shipping rates.


I have to refresh/F5 to make all the shipping options visible. Without a refresh the customer will get errors asking to choose a shipping method before they can continue to make payment. Or sometimes only some of the available shipping options will appear.


I really wan't to use this great contibution but I can't if it will cause a problem with the shipping options.



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Has there been a fix for the refresh issues as yet?


I have installed this contribution and use weight based Royal Mail shipping rates.


I have to refresh/F5 to make all the shipping options visible. Without a refresh the customer will get errors asking to choose a shipping method before they can continue to make payment. Or sometimes only some of the available shipping options will appear.


I really wan't to use this great contibution but I can't if it will cause a problem with the shipping options.



inform itwebexperts.com about this problem

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I dont have the file coupon_checkout.php.


had a look at checkout payment.php which is where the use voucher balance is and compare it to the checkout.php file.


there are several mentions of the gv code mentioned so maybe I need to work out how to get that incorporated.




Hi Johnny,


Do you not have a coupon box in the right or left column that you could copy rename and alter for one page checkout ?

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I need Onepage Checkout using another language "svenska" , now I have change as below,but customer name & address still have some issue if they include "ö" or "ä"....admin display is "ä".



OnePage Checkout is written in UTF-8 character set and osCommerce uses ISO-8859-1.


If you are in the latest version of checkout.php replaces all occurrences of UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 so it will be fine.


utf8_encode echo ($ content);

>> echo $content; >> Echo $ content;


$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => utf8_encode($header)); $ info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => utf8_encode ($ header));

>> $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $header); >> $ Info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => $ header);


$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => utf8_encode($contents)); $ info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => utf8_encode ($ contents));

>> $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $contents); >> $ Info_box_contents [] = array ( 'text' => $ contents);


Would you please help to advise asap?


Thanks & Best Regards,


Edited by sunrise99
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I am having this prob that credit card field disappears.I have other two modules like paypal and certpay there are working fine but i cant enter anything in the credit card fields infact i just cant see them.

Can u tell me a solution.


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I am having this prob that credit card field disappears.I have other two modules like paypal and certpay there are working fine but i cant enter anything in the credit card fields infact i just cant see them.

Can u tell me a solution.


Please inform itwebexperts.com of this problem, so they can work on a bug fix



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I am having this prob that credit card field disappears.I have other two modules like paypal and certpay there are working fine but i cant enter anything in the credit card fields infact i just cant see them.

Can u tell me a solution.



Are you using the Authorize.net SIM module? No fields show up when using SIM. If you're using AIM, then maybe it is a bug.

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Hi all,


Just wondering whether anybody could give me a little pointer here ...


My One Page Checkout has been working absolutely fine up until recently. It still allows customers to make purchases as normal, so that side is ok, but the following two problems have developed:


1. Customers make orders, but then go into their account and it shows no order history. Two customers have launched a ranting complaint about this so far as they think we've stolen their money, despite us having the full order details in the database.


2. Since our web host changed the server our site was on yesterday (configure.php files have been updated accordingly), the order details aren't added to the database when a purchase is made. However, OSC sends out the relevant emails to customer and admin addresses with full order/customer info. The customer details are added to the database as normal. We're using the Paypal direct payments Pro module and have our checkout located on a shared SSL server, for info (both of these have been working perfectly before now).


Can anybody give me any clues as to where I should be looking for the problem? I've scanned what I thought were the obvious .php's for tep_db update queries, but can't find anything. I'm at a bit of a loss with this one ... !





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I've been trying to get One Page Checkout to work with Authorize.net AIM. I have AIM successfully working with OSC's normal checkout process, but once I switch over to One Page Checkout, it doesn't work.


- I get no errors

- Nothing shows up in the transactions on Authorize.net

- I DO get an email from the shopping cart for the order

- I DO NOT get an email from Authorize.net (which I should)


I am using OSC v2.2 rc2a, with One Page Checkout 1.6. I am using the default Authorize.net AIM module.


I've also tried Authorize Net AIM module (GPL) with no luck.


Also, I am using the ISO-8859-1 character set in One Page Checkout (got rid of the utf8_encodes and switched UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1).


Any ideas on what I should look at to figure out what's going on?

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I've been trying to get One Page Checkout to work with Authorize.net AIM. I have AIM successfully working with OSC's normal checkout process, but once I switch over to One Page Checkout, it doesn't work.


- I get no errors

- Nothing shows up in the transactions on Authorize.net

- I DO get an email from the shopping cart for the order

- I DO NOT get an email from Authorize.net (which I should)


I am using OSC v2.2 rc2a, with One Page Checkout 1.6. I am using the default Authorize.net AIM module.


I've also tried Authorize Net AIM module (GPL) with no luck.


Also, I am using the ISO-8859-1 character set in One Page Checkout (got rid of the utf8_encodes and switched UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1).


Any ideas on what I should look at to figure out what's going on?

inform itwebexperts.com of this problem,

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I'm having a little problem and i'm not sure how to sort it.


When someone creates an order two orders are appearing in my orders que. One when the person finishes one page checkout then another appears after they are sent to paypal.


The first order has

"Payment Method: PayPal Website Payments Standard" 09/09/2009 12:52:04

09/09/2009 12:53:10 Processing PayPal IPN Verified [Completed (Verified; £5.94)]


The second has "Payment Method: PayPal (including Credit Cards and Debit Cards)" 09/09/2009 12:53:09

09/09/2009 12:53:09 Preparing [PayPal Standard]


I have "PayPal Website Payments Standard" enabled with these settings.


Do you want to accept PayPal Website Payments Standard payments?



E-Mail Address myaddress


Payment Zone



Set Preparing Order Status

Preparing [PayPal Standard]


Set PayPal Acknowledged Order Status



Gateway Server



Transaction Method



Can anyone help?



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I am having this prob that credit card field disappears.I have other two modules like paypal and certpay there are working fine but i cant enter anything in the credit card fields infact i just cant see them.

Can u tell me a solution.



I have the exact same problem, anyone know how to fix it? I attached some screenshots to demonstrate. Basiclly the credit card fields are there until you select the radio button, then they disappear.





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