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The e-commerce.

Shoping cart config


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I love the oscommerce shopping cart, but I just need the cart itself. I have the front end built and just need to send to the display cart page from the products detail page, when the user clicks the add to cart page. The site is an action photography site. I just need to send the picid, size, price, and quantity. Any suggestions of what to do or will it be to difficult to modify the cart. Can anyone give me an idea of the vars that I need to send to the display cart page and go from there.


Thanks in advance.

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it would probably be easier to modify osC to look/behave more like your site and use it to list your photos... it is surprisingly flexible without breaking the code.... do you have a URL to your products page so I can have a look?

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Hey Scott,


Thanks... had a quick look.... boy!... do you ever need to optimise your images.....


I think a pared down version of osC would suit you fine.... I believe there is even a gallery contribution.... there is also a mod or two that help with thumbnails... a must for you...you probably don't want the left and right columns...there are a few options in that regard too.....

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