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This is the support thread for the Gratuity contribution, which provides an option on the checkout payment page where the customer can enter an amount they would like to add to the total of the order as a tip.



Edited by Jack_mcs

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Thanks for letting me know. I wasn't sure if it would be useful to anyone but I'm pleased to know it is.



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I have installed the add-on and it works great in the checkout_payment.php but how can I work with the data in the checkout_process.php


I would like to know if this add-on can be used to send the tip amount to the user in the Purchase Email and what code will be needed to do this


It would also be nice if the data was added in the user order information


Thank you for any help with this project



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The gratuity amount shows in the order and email here. Perhaps you didn't set the sort order correctly?



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The gratuity amount shows in the order and email here. Perhaps you didn't set the sort order correctly?



Sort order


Gratuity 5

Low Order Fee 4

Shipping 2

Sub-Total 1

Tax 3

Total 6


On screen

Billing Information


Billing Address (Edit)

Lawrence Larsen

28W166 Plainview Drive

Naperville, 60564

United States

Payment Method (Edit)

Credit Card

Sub-Total: $8.95

Delivery Rate (Local): $3.00

Sales Tax: $0.96

Gratuity: $12.00

Total: $24.91







1 x 201 Sweet & Sour Chicken () = $8.95



Sub-Total: $8.95

Delivery Rate (Local): $3.00

Sales Tax: $0.96

Total: $12.91


Delivery Address



Is the sort order OK I will try setting it to your 3,4,5 like in your readme


Thanks for any help


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Hi Jack


I just setup a test system no other add-on or mods and I still get the same



Gratuity 4

Shipping 2

Sub-Total 1

Tax 3

Total 6


Is this OK?


shows on screen as a $5.00 tip


and the email:




Order Number: 1

Detailed Invoice: http://oscommerce.irdelivery.com/test/cata....php?order_id=1


Date Ordered: Monday 06 April, 2009





1 x SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle (PC-SWAT3) = $79.99


Sub-Total: $79.99

Flat Rate (Best Way): $5.00

Total: $84.99



Delivery Address


What am I doing? to make it not work?




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I don't know. The code in the contribution doesn't handle adding anything to the email. That is handled by the stock code. If it is working everywhere but the email and the email works for everything else, then it seems it would have to be the sort orde. But the sort order you show should work so I don't have an answer for you. It must be something related to your shop and/or your server setup though since it works here and in other shops I've installed it into.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jack


I have signed up on your server with your install of oscommerce and installed your add-on and it sitll does not work


I hope you can help

Lawrence Larsen

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That elimiates the server as a problem. It would seem you are making some mistake in the installation or setup but I can't guess as to what that is.



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I used the readme.txt and checked it three times. Is this going to turn in to a pissing match or are you going to fix the problem. It looks like it only works on the sites you install it!


I worked with IBM mainframes for 22 years and have been in this position more then once. It is easy to blame the other person and let them fix your problems

Edited by lwlarsen
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If a problem exists, I might fix it. Pobably will given enough time. But I'm not convinced one exists in this case and since I don't work for free, no matter how nicely asked, I'm not going to troubleshoot it for you. If you find yourself in this position so many times, maybe that indicates where the problem might be?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for a good contribution.


However, I am having the same problem. Gratuity is displayed in checkout_confirmation.php, but not on the invoice.


May be it is not passed to checkout_process.php ??


Have you also modified anything else for this contribution? application_top, checkout_proocess, may be something else?


Thank you,




Edited by ecomeal
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It's written as a module which means adding its results to the order is handled by the oscommerce code. The only thing i can think of that would cause that would be the sort order.



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Thanks for checking. Somehow one of the changes didn't make it into the instructions so there is a problem with it. I have uploaded a new version. The difference is in the checkout_confirmation.php file. To apply the fix, find

// load the selected payment module

and add this above it

  if (!tep_session_is_registered('gratuity')) tep_session_register('gratuity');
 if (tep_not_null($HTTP_POST_VARS['gratuity'])) {
$gratuity = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['gratuity']);


I apologize to eveyone for the confusion I caused with this mistake.



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  • 5 months later...


Just wanted to drop a note and say nice addon - I actually used it with a bit of modification to allow a candy seller to have clients be able to check a box to include an ice pack when they ship to warmer climates! With just a few changes to the text definitions in checkout_payment.php and ot_gratuity.php and this one change to make the text box a check box I was good to go!


In case anyone wants to do something similar, to make the text box into a check box change checkout_payment.php.




echo tep_draw_input_field('gratuity', tep_not_null($gratuity) ? $gratuity : '', 'maxlength="255"', false);



echo tep_draw_checkbox_field('gratuity', '4', false,'');


This will make an un-checked box that will add $4 to your total (to make it checked by default, you can change the false to true).

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