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problems with virtual products


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I'm just getting started with osc. I have installed a snapshot (2003-01-30). It seems to work OK for the most part, however I am having problems with virtual products (downloads). I created an "e-wares" category, created a product (test prog) I went into products/attributes and entered the filename, and uploaded the file to the download directory. I set it up for 7 days with unlimited downloads.

Now here are the problems


First when I view the product in the category it shows options of color with a default value of 16MB. I can fix this manually in phpmyadmin by manually deleting a record, but I'm sure there's a better way. It is also charging for shipping even though I have a weight of zero. It is also checking my quantity in stock. I've worked around this by setting quantity on hand to 9999999999999.


I've read in other posts that C.O.D. and check/money order payment methods are supposed to be disabled for orders containing nothing but virtual products, but this is not the case.


Is there something else I need to set up, or is something wrong?




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