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The e-commerce.

Yahoo,Google and Metatags


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i have the 2.2 snapshot from August. I have the Metatag add on installed, that the Metas generates. Yahoo takes also parts from body. My adds look like this


Blabla 24 - ... Spezielles (13) Kataloge (7) B?cher (22) Seile-> (8) Spezial Seile (1) Baumwoll Seile (3) Standard Seile (4 ...



No product text. Only the categories or the first table with shopping cart,account......


Am I to make an inquiry of the product description in the headers? Or which one can there otherwise still do for a better add in yahoo?

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I have meta tags on all sites, some searchengines take the text in the body tag if im right. And there is the problem. The first lines in the body is the header table, then the categories. Thats why the adds lokk like this.

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Is there a limit to the amount of information you can put in a Meta Tag?


Why can't we just do something to the effect of the following...

<meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo stripslashes($product_info_values['products_description']); ?>">


That way, your entire product description will be recreated in the Meta Tags also.


Just a thought...


Any ideas?




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