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The e-commerce.

Shopping Cart problem, need help


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i just install oscommerce, and manually install a template. after the new template installation, i got the problem with the total item in shopping cart. it's showing one more "0" there. if nothing in shopping cart, showing 0 0 items. if one item in shopping cart, showing 1 0 items.



Shopping Cart

now in your cart 0 0 items

" unquote


i don't know php at all, and don't know what i can do with this. please help.


i check the header.php, and found out the following:






<td width="22"><?=tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'m06.gif')?></td>

<td width="204"><span class="tx"><?=BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART?></span>

<br><span class="tx1">now in your cart</span> <a class="ml" href="<?=tep_href_link('shopping_cart.php')?>"><?=$cart->count_contents()?> <?=BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY?></a></td></tr>




<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr><td><a href="<?=tep_href_link('index.php')?>"><?=tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'m01.jpg')?></a><?=tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'m02.jpg')?></td></tr>

<tr><td><a href="<?=tep_href_link('index.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m07.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('products_new.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m08.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('specials.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m09.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('account.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m10.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('contact_us.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m11.gif')?></a></td></tr>

<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>



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still waiting for someone to help about this matter, or any suggestion to hide the shopping cart message?






i just install oscommerce, and manually install a template. after the new template installation, i got the problem with the total item in shopping cart. it's showing one more "0" there. if nothing in shopping cart, showing 0 0 items. if one item in shopping cart, showing 1 0 items.



Shopping Cart

now in your cart 0 0 items

" unquote


i don't know php at all, and don't know what i can do with this. please help.


i check the header.php, and found out the following:






<td width="22"><?=tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'m06.gif')?></td>

<td width="204"><span class="tx"><?=BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART?></span>

<br><span class="tx1">now in your cart</span> <a class="ml" href="<?=tep_href_link('shopping_cart.php')?>"><?=$cart->count_contents()?> <?=BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY?></a></td></tr>




<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr><td><a href="<?=tep_href_link('index.php')?>"><?=tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'m01.jpg')?></a><?=tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'m02.jpg')?></td></tr>

<tr><td><a href="<?=tep_href_link('index.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m07.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('products_new.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m08.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('specials.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m09.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('account.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m10.gif')?></a><a href="<?=tep_href_link('contact_us.php')?>"><?=tep_image_button('m11.gif')?></a></td></tr>

<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>



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