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Need some help and advise


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Hi all,


I want to have a custom template on my store, however when I install one I get this message:


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.


I understand it is dangerous to change these settings due to security concerns and hence my hosting company has assured me I cannot change them. (Heart Internet)


Is there a way around me installing a custom template that won't result in me having to change 'register_globals'?


Thanks for your time.



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What version of osCommerce are you using? Somewhere around Release Candidate 1, a compatibility layer was added to permit osC to run with register global variables turned off. I believe it requires PHP version 4.3 or higher. What are you running? As you are running a custom template, I have no idea how updated its coding is. If it is compatible with RC1, RC2, or RC2a, you might be in luck.


That said, I'm quite surprised that your hosting company would not permit you to turn register globals on via php.ini.

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What version of osCommerce are you using? Somewhere around Release Candidate 1, a compatibility layer was added to permit osC to run with register global variables turned off. I believe it requires PHP version 4.3 or higher. What are you running? As you are running a custom template, I have no idea how updated its coding is. If it is compatible with RC1, RC2, or RC2a, you might be in luck.


That said, I'm quite surprised that your hosting company would not permit you to turn register globals on via php.ini.


oScommerce version: v2.2

PHP version: 4.4.9


There is no php.ini file in my hosting account, there is a htaccess however.


I got the template from dreamtemplate.com, they have been useless and just refer me back to my hosting company each time I have a question.


So do you think there is an release I can install to get this to work?

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Seek support from the Template Vendor. If the Vendor will not give you support then stop using it until you know enough about osCommerce to fix any problems yourself.


Try hunting Google:


site:www.oscommerce.com/forums "whatever you are looking for"

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oScommerce version: v2.2


WHICH Version 2.2? Within the last few years, there's MS2 (Milestone 2), RC 1 (Release Candidate 1), RC 2, RC2a.


PHP version: 4.4.9


Should be OK. You should be able to use the compatibility layer in RC1 and up. If you only have MS2 (or earlier) on your system, you will need to find out how to manually upgrade to RC2a.


There is no php.ini file in my hosting account, there is a htaccess however.


There's always .htaccess, even if it's empty. php.ini is optional -- you have to create it yourself. So you can create a php.ini file yourself, BUT your host won't let you turn register global variables on? If so, you'll need to upgrade osC to RC2a.

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