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Thumbnail Issue and Default Image


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Hey guys, i have a couple of problems which if you could help me with would be appreciated.


Firstly, how, when you go into the catalogories, can you get it to show up at as a thumbnail of the image and product details next to it? is there like a group of code for that? i've seen it on a few sites


Secondly how can you set up the code to show like "no image" for when theres no pic? cause all i've got is a big group of broken image links from when things don't have a picture.


I'd really appreciated any help

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If I have understood you correctly, there is a contribution that adds category descriptions. I can't remember if it adds the images too or not. Check the contributions area.


Your broken images are caused by a bug that puts the word "array" into the database if there is no image listed. Use phpmyadmin to empty that field in your dB.

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in admin / configuration / images


set image required FALSE .


That way if there is no image, you wont see anything.


This is set to true if your testing out your site

and need to see what is happening to your images.


Good Luck and enjoy !

Special Effects / 3d + Flash

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