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User accts. necessary for checkout? How can this be skiped


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Basically the think I hate about paypal.com and other such sites in the extra steps in the check out process.


I don't want to create user accts. Just take down their info, and allow them to simply check out.


Is there anyway to turn off the acct. options, or skip that particular page?


I've searched around little, but haven't found any way to do it yet

I need to read the rules more often...

As for the contributions mentioned, this one http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ions,355/page,8 i have working on a post nov snapshot.





This is giving me a terrible time. I've got the cart page working, and also the page where you select from the three options "create acct, check out without acct, and login"


The problem I'm having is the order_info.php file that came with the download is giving me errors.



Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_zone_list() in /home/.cab/fortunet/mysite.com/store/includes/modules/account_details2.php on line 241


Did you have the same issues when setting it up? How did you solve them?

I need to read the rules more often...


The mod i stated is not the one you have tried to install. Click the link in my post and download the file there.


You should have an easier time installing that.







How did you display the total weight of the products in the cart ?

Also how did you display the total savings ?





Ok...things just got drmatically worse.....


I made duplicates of the old files that were'nt working and used the other hack that bmcewan used



Login : crash

Select shipping cost, push continue : blank screen

Check out without creating an acct : error that there is no password


it's 3:30 am and I'm frustrated!!!!!!


should I just re-intstall everything?!? just sucks because it take like 2 hrs to upload all those files......

I need to read the rules more often...


jon, a little off topic but here you go anyway.


I assume that you are talking about features on my site...


the total weight is produced by this code


<?php echo '[ ' . $cart->count_contents() . ($cart->count_contents() == "1" ? " Item" : " Items "); ?>


     <?php echo $currencies->format($cart->show_total()); ?>


     <?php echo $cart->show_weight() . ($cart->show_weight() == "1" ? " kg" : " kgs ")?>


and the savings are part of linda's quantity controller mod (i think), i have that many mods installed i've lost track. Additionally i think the weight code i quoted above came when i installed linda's quantity controller mod also.


hope this helps




it's 3:30 am and I'm frustrated!!!!!!  


time for some well earned rest i think. :sleepy:


Always backup before you do any mods.


If this is the first mod you've put in you should be able to just upload the changed files from the uncompressed snapshot on your hd.





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