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QPBPP on homepage and subcategorie


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On the Dutch forum I've got an topic but they don't answer anymore... So that's why I try it here.


I've installed the QPBPP contri (Quantity Price Breaks Per Product version 1.3.5 from september 7th 2008). It workes nice but not on the homepage and the subcategories.

When I go to 'Lijmen' I've got the prices from the products but they're not right. When I look at '283 MS Polymeer Extreme High Tech' I see the price 9,99 but the real discountprice is 7,49. When I go to the subcategorie 'MS Polymeren' there the price is correctly 7,49.


What I mean is that I want the discountprice on the homepage and subcategorie.

Or another example: Whe I go to the homepage (www.technischeprodukten.nl) I see the "T106 Moulding Tape 19 mm" for a price of €25.39. When I click it the discount price is €21.16. I want THAT price to show everywhere.


Can anybody please help me?

P.s. Sorry for my poor English... :blush:

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