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How to Setup Paypal Website Payments Standard


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* I am aware that this may be all over the forums but just in case, Id like to present it to everyone. This is a very short, to the point tutorial detailing how to setup the standard version of PayPal Website Payments.


osCommerce and PayPal

How to Setup and Configure PayPal Website Payments Standard Module


Before you do anything with the module you need to check that you have setup OSC correctly to the language you are going to use, the Location of your shop and the Currency you are to use or you will get all sorts of funny errors like missing tax, wrong currency, prices missing from your web site etc. So lets spend a minute looking through the Admin pages making sure the basics are right.


1. Login to your Admin page and go to Configuration > My Store

2. Work your way down the list of settings and make sure that you have setup all the sections

3. Pay particular attention to 'Switch to Default Language Currency' if you turn this on (true) and your shop is outside the US the prices will disappear from your website

4. At the bottom of the list set the decimal places for the tax in your location (leave at zero if you sell goods that don't attract tax) and also set 'Display Prices with Tax' if you need to charge sales tax or VAT

5. Next go to Locations / Taxes and set the country your shop is in, the tax zone it is in if you need to charge tax and then Tax Zones, Classes and Rates - exactly how to do this is beyond the scope of this tutorial but there is plenty of help in the forums for setting up the various national tax requirements.

6. Next go to Localization and setup the currencies you want to be able to accept. Remember it is most important to set your national currency as the default currency or your site will display all its prices in US Dollars and pass those prices to PayPal as US Dollars too.

7. Next set the Default Language for the site and add any other languages you wish to offer

8. Make a note of the changes you have made as you will need them for the next step - setting up PayPal


Setting up PayPal


First a word of warning. If you put PayPal into a search engine to find the home page and setup a business account you will end up on the US PayPal site - OK if you live in the USA but not so good if you live elsewhere as there are quite a few differences in the way PayPal handles payments directed to UK shops or those in the EEC. Like wise the Australian shops have specific requirements so make sure you are logging in to your National branch of PayPal. I am in the UK so I will go through the steps needed for a UK site - I'm afraid you will have to look at the PayPal help pages for your local settings.


1. Find the PayPal login page for your Country

2. Login to your account or sign up for a new account for your shop (sales@<yourshop>.co.uk is a good one for UK shops) don't forget to make a mailbox for this email address and to add it to My Store in the Send Extra Order Emails to section

3. Once you have an account and are logged in, go to Profile and in the right hand column click on Payment Receiving Preferences

4. In here you have the choice of accepting just your default currency, or having other currencies converted. We found that having them converted let us accept orders from EEC countries as well as the UK

5. Block multiple payments so that you don't get duplicate orders

6. Set the Credit Card Statement Name so that customers will recognise payments to you on their Credit Card Statements when they pay that way through PayPal

7. Save the page and go to Profile>Instant Payment Notification Preferences

8. Activate Instant Payment Notification

9. The notification URL should be http://<your web site>/catalog/checkout_process.php

10. Save the page then go to Profile>Website Payment Preferences

11. Turn on Auto Return

12. Set the return URL to http://<your website>/catalog/ipn.php

13. Leave Payment Data Transfer set to off as this module doesn't support it (You need PayPal Pro for that)

14. Using this module you are using PayPal to handle all your Credit Card payments so you don't need encrypted payments. If you do want to have them you need to buy a SSP certificate and that is beyond the scope of this tutorial so set Encrypted Website Payments to off

15. To ensure that customers are returned to your site and you are notified of the order details you need to make set PayPal account optional to off

16. As your customers have already supplied their phone number when they created an account with you, you don't need to ask them for it again. Turn Contact telephone number off

17. As this module doesn't use Express Checkout, Say no to Support Giro and Bank Transfer Payments

18. Save the page then go to Custom Payment Page Styles

19. In here you can change the colour of the PayPal page, add your logo to the payment confirmation page and generally integrate the PayPal page with your site


Setting up PayPal in osCommerce


1. You will see that there is a PayPal Website Payments Standard module showing

2. Uninstall both PayPal and PayPal IPN if you have already installed and activated them

3. Install PayPal Website Payments Standard

4. Click on the Edit button in the right hand column

5. Set Enable PayPal Website Payments Standard to True

6. In email address put the address you have used to set up your PayPal account

7. Check on the forums if you need to set a payment zone - in the UK accepting only GBP you don't and can leave this as none

8. Set preparing Order Status to Preparing [PayPal Standard] to intercept bad orders or ones that don't complete

9. Set PayPal Acknowledged Orders Status to Processing

10. Set the Gateway Server to Sandbox while testing but remember to set it to live when testing is over

11. Set Transaction method to Sale

12. Set Page Style to PayPal

13. Set the Debug E-Mail Address to the email address you want emails from PayPal to go to about orders that are not completed or any problems with payment NB. It should not be the same email address you use for your PayPal account

14. Set the sort order of display to where you want the PayPal option to come in your payment options list in the shopping cart. Low numbers come first in the list but 0 comes at the end so be careful what you choose

15. If you aren't using encrypted payments you can ignore the rest of the list - we don't use them so I haven't found out what they are for other than they are something to do with secure websites (https://) the module works just fine without them.


Right you are now ready to start sending through test purchases. I hope this tutorial helps you to set up and configure PayPal for your osCommerce site - the above instructions worked just fine for us and we are now getting completed orders through without any errors.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks for the tips. I'm going live with my site and needed to set this up and test it out. What a time-saver!!







After setting it up I did a test purchase (sandbox) and keep getting a message (red bar) saying "Please select a payment method for your order.". In the "Payment Method" box at checkout it just says " This is currently the only payment method available to use on this order. " It doesn'l list, or show icons for, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, etc.


Have I missed a step somewhere? Shouldn't there be an image showing the payment methods available with PayPal???





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Hi all,

I'm in the midde of setting upthe paypal standard module. I followed your instructions above but it's still not working properly so I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone answer the following questions


1: On our website, after installing the standard paypal modue when we go to checkout it is asking the buyer for the credit card number on our site. Our site is not encryped so obviously we need it to go to the paypal site. What are we doing wrong. why is it not going ot the paypal site?


2: Anyone know how to encrpt our site and use https - What are the beneits if paypal is authorizing the transactions


Thanks in advance



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Hi Everyone,

I am beginner in OSCommerce, the KB and Documentation have good instructions and most unanswered issues are being solved here. Hope I too get my problem solved here.


I am struck in applying template and Paypal implementation.


1) When I googled for free templates i got good number of resources but most of them have not provided proper instructions for implementation, some look like PSD too. Can anyone provide some instructions to properly apply the template /skin please.


2) I have registered in Paypal developer and got API credentials for Sandbox Test. When I tried to configure my OSC in Paypal Express Checkout and when I test as customer on my cart, it just refreshes and nothing happens? this appears as URL " http://localhost/catalog/shopping_cart.php?" /localhost/catalog/shopping_cart.php...438d861c58324f5 ".


So can any of u experts help me with proper procedure for this please.


I tried to get a live account API credentials but ' Please verify your Account Profile before obtaining API certificate' appears on my Paypal.


Please help me.

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Hi Everyone,

I am beginner in OSCommerce, the KB and Documentation have good instructions and most unanswered issues are being solved here. Hope I too get my problem solved here.


I am struck in applying template and Paypal implementation.


1) When I googled for free templates i got good number of resources but most of them have not provided proper instructions for implementation, some look like PSD too. Can anyone provide some instructions to properly apply the template /skin please.


2) I have registered in Paypal developer and got API credentials for Sandbox Test. When I tried to configure my OSC in Paypal Express Checkout and when I test as customer on my cart, it just refreshes and nothing happens? this appears as URL " http://localhost/catalog/shopping_cart.php?" /localhost/catalog/shopping_cart.php...438d861c58324f5 ".


So can any of u experts help me with proper procedure for this please.


I tried to get a live account API credentials but ' Please verify your Account Profile before obtaining API certificate' appears on my Paypal.


Please help me.


Hi Everyone,

I am beginner in OSCommerce, the KB and Documentation have good instructions and most unanswered issues are being solved here. Hope I too get my problem solved here.


I am struck in applying template and Paypal implementation.


1) When I googled for free templates i got good number of resources but most of them have not provided proper instructions for implementation, some look like PSD too. Can anyone provide some instructions to properly apply the template /skin please.


2) I have registered in Paypal developer and got API credentials for Sandbox Test. When I tried to configure my OSC in Paypal Express Checkout and when I test as customer on my cart, it just refreshes and nothing happens? this appears an URL




So can any of u experts help me with proper procedure for this please.


I tried to get a live account API credentials but ' Please verify your Account Profile before obtaining API certificate' appears on my Paypal.


Please help me.

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Quick question... using PayPal Website Payments Standard, will this work as an ADDITIONAL option or will I be forced to ONLY take paypal?


My goal is to either take credit cards (normally) or allow them to choose PayPal. Just wanted to be sure before I installed this mod.



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12. Set the return URL to http://<your website>/catalog/ipn.php



I don't find any ipn.php on my catalog folder plz solve this matter


Hope this helps!!!


You have to download the PAYPAl _IPN contribution first then follow the instructions that come with it. It contains your ipn.php file and in fo where to put it etc.... Then this forum will come very handy!!!

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Hope this helps!!!


You have to download the PAYPAl _IPN contribution first then follow the instructions that come with it. It contains your ipn.php file and in fo where to put it etc.... Then this forum will come very handy!!!



Not true. This thread is supposed to discussing the Website Payments Standard PayPal module that comes with osC RC2a and could be downloaded at the following link for older shops:




The return URL should be www.mysite.com/checkout_process.php

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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  • 1 month later...

Referring to the PayPal module that comes with the standard osCommerce v2.2 installation:


After searching this forum for nearly an hour, I am confused over which one to use:

This one looks more correct to me:

8. Activate Instant Payment Notification

9. The notification URL should be http://<your web site>/catalog/checkout_process.php

10. Save the page then go to Profile>Website Payment Preferences

11. Turn on Auto Return

12. Set the return URL to http://<your website>/catalog/checkout_success.php

This looks suspicious to me as BOTH are set to the same URL:

8. Activate Instant Payment Notification

9. The notification URL should be http://<your web site>/catalog/checkout_process.php

10. Save the page then go to Profile>Website Payment Preferences

11. Turn on Auto Return

12. Set the return URL to http://<your website>/catalog/checkout_process.php

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
This looks suspicious to me as BOTH are set to the same URL:
8. Activate Instant Payment Notification

9. The notification URL should be http://<your web site>/catalog/checkout_process.php

10. Save the page then go to Profile>Website Payment Preferences

11. Turn on Auto Return

12. Set the return URL to http://<your website>/catalog/checkout_process.php

If you set the notification URL with the standard module, you would set it to http://<your web site>/catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal/standard_ipn.php (remove or replace catalog as needed for your site); however, you do not need to set it to anything, as the module will set the notification and return URLs on every transaction. Thus, setting the wrong value here is mostly harmless. The return URL should be checkout_process.php, as it will finish processing and redirect to checkout_success.php


The IPN contribution might have it set to go to checkout_success.php, because it moves some of the processing from checkout_process.php to its IPN processing module. In any case, that module is different from the standard module and the instructions should not be mixed between the two.

Always back up before making changes.

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This recipient does not accept payments denominated in WS_Error_XClick_Pref_Foreign_Currency. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency os commerce


Im recieving this error when going through to the paypal payment page. Here are the settings of the module i currently have


Enable PayPal Website Payments Standard

Do you want to accept PayPal Website Payments Standard payments?





E-Mail Address

The PayPal seller e-mail address to accept payments for


email address of my paypal account


Payment Zone

If a zone is selected, only enable this payment method for that zone.




Set Preparing Order Status

Set the status of prepared orders made with this payment module to this value




Set PayPal Acknowledged Order Status

Set the status of orders made with this payment module to this value





Gateway Server

Use the testing (sandbox) or live gateway server for transactions?




Transaction Method

The processing method to use for each transaction.




Page Style

The page style to use for the transaction procedure (defined at your PayPal Profile page)





Debug E-Mail Address

All parameters of an Invalid IPN notification will be sent to this email address if one is entered.


other email address


Sort order of display.

Sort order of display. Lowest is displayed first.




Enable Encrypted Web Payments

Do you want to enable Encrypted Web Payments?




Your Private Key

The location of your Private Key to use for signing the data. (*.pem)



Your Public Certificate

The location of your Public Certificate to use for signing the data. (*.pem)



PayPals Public Certificate

The location of the PayPal Public Certificate for encrypting the data.



Your PayPal Public Certificate ID

The Certificate ID to use from your PayPal Encrypted Payment Settings Profile.



Working Directory

The working directory to use for temporary files. (trailing slash needed)



OpenSSL Location

The location of the openssl binary file.



can anyone help?

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  • 1 month later...

If you set the notification URL with the standard module, you would set it to http://<your web site>/catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal/standard_ipn.php (remove or replace catalog as needed for your site); however, you do not need to set it to anything, as the module will set the notification and return URLs on every transaction. Thus, setting the wrong value here is mostly harmless. The return URL should be checkout_process.php, as it will finish processing and redirect to checkout_success.php


The IPN contribution might have it set to go to checkout_success.php, because it moves some of the processing from checkout_process.php to its IPN processing module. In any case, that module is different from the standard module and the instructions should not be mixed between the two.


I have used the PayPal_IPN before, but can't seem to work correctly. Anyway, I have just downloaded and install the PayPal Website Payment Standard. I think I might have changed Checkout_proces.php for the IPN. Should I use the original checkout_process.php for the PayPal Website Payment Standard?

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  • 3 months later...

I have followed the intructions set out at the beginning of this thread, and all seems to work as it should (I think!)


Anyway one question, if on paypal profile the return (IPN) is set to http://<your web site>/catalog/checkout_process.php


will this have any affect on non <your web site> paypal transactions? ie ebay etc?


My site has not gone live yet, and I am still trading on ebay for the time being.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if this is still an active forum but I am wondering: I've tested the checkout process in paypal payments standard and everything works fine with the exception that it does not give the end-user the ability to just checkout with their credit card. They HAVE to Login or create a PayPal account to purchase. How can I fix this? Thanks.



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I don't know if this is still an active forum but I am wondering: I've tested the checkout process in paypal payments standard and everything works fine with the exception that it does not give the end-user the ability to just checkout with their credit card. They HAVE to Login or create a PayPal account to purchase. How can I fix this? Thanks.


I believe you need to upgrade to the higher (fee based) Paypal service for optional account to work, but I may be wrong. It's a paypal restriction not osC.




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  • 3 weeks later...

i have double check the my config, and make sure it was as same as procedures mentioned in "www.netwebbing.com/software-reference-library/osc-community-contributions/00140-paypal-website-payments-standard", but i still got some problem.


When paypal return, it should point to "checkout_process.php", but i found it is landing on page "checkout_confirmation.php", after press button "confirm order", it goes to paypal.com again, paypal message says " This invoice has already been paid. For more information, please contact the merchant.".


About the order, order record can be found at admin/customers/orders, but no notify email was sent out to customer.


I don't know where i have made a mistake. How can i make the process more smooth? Any tips would be great appreciate. Best regards!

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  • 4 weeks later...

im getting the same error as above, paypal website standard doesnt send customers to paypal until after they hit confirm order and then when they chekout it says invoice has already been paid please contact merchant

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tried to do this and got the following message when I clicked on update on the OSCommerce



Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/weavingh/public_html/shop/admin/modules.php on line 84


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/weavingh/public_html/shop/admin/modules.php:84) in /home/weavingh/public_html/shop/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 22


Does this make any sense to anyone?


Having set up, as instructed above, when I try and buy I have no payment options, I go straight to a billing address as though I have already paid - is this because I am in sandbox not live? I do not get directed to pay pal which is what I think I should!

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  • 1 month later...

I recieve this error when making a purchase while testing.


Unable to process payment. Please contact the merchant as the shipping address provided by the merchant is invalid, and the merchant has requested that your order must be shipped to that address.


How do I fix this?

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