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Reference and total amount for bank transfer in confirmation email


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I would like to offer payment via bank transfer since this is a very fast and simple way of payment in Norway. I installed eubanktransfer and in addition to that I made my own Norwegian bank transfer module. It can often happen that people pay via a different bank account where the account holder is not identical to the customer. In case he forgets to write order number, I will never figure out who eventually shall get the delivery.


Order number is stated above in the confirmation mail. So, I thought it might be easy to insert it further down in the email where all bank details are correctly stated. But, whatever I try I only get the text "order id" there but not the order_id_number.


Together with the order id, I would like to repeat the total amount the customer has to pay together with the other bank details. This way, the customer can see all necessary details together when he makes the transfer and don't need to scroll up and down in the email.


Actually the E-Mail text should look like this:




IBAN nr: AC00 1234 12 123


Bank name: XY Bank AS, Postboks 1234 Vika, 0000 Oslo, Norway

Reference: "order_id"

Total amount: "total amount"


But I don't get the total amount down there in the checkout_process.php. It would also be nice to be able to print out the checkout_confirmation.php with this details stated. But I guess it is probably a bit more work since no order_id is created at this stage.


I would like to do all this, because I run to physical businesses and know that a great deal of private people are either not bright enough to figure these things out or want to get a discount by saying that they didn't see shipping costs. KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid)!


Every help appreciated!





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