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I would like to add a text link to an website.

I have a paragraph of text and I want one of the words within that paragraph to link to an outside/another site.

and also have that linkable word appear in another color blue,red, etc...


Can anyone help me with this.


Thank you

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I have something similar in one of my product descriptions...perhaps this will help

For an independent review of this product, please visit <a href="http://www.someothersite.com/somepage.html" target="_blank"><u>someothersite.com</u></a><p>

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I have something similar in one of my product descriptions...perhaps this will help

For an independent review of this product, please visit <a href="http://www.someothersite.com/somepage.html" target="_blank"><u>someothersite.com</u></a><p>


Thank you I will try this out to see if it works.

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