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The e-commerce.

Is this a database problem?


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Hi, I installed OScommerce a long time ago for a client (4 years-ish). I guess it is a very outdated version, I understand that I probably have to update it.


About a year ago for this same client, same store I installed a Discount Code extension. All was fine.


I have just now, been informed of this error, when ever some one clicks on My Account they get:


1054 - Unknown column 's.public_flag' in 'where clause'


select count(*) as total from orders o, orders_status s where o.customers_id = '1099' and o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '1' and s.public_flag = '1'




I have tried uploading all the original core files but I still get the error which leads me to believe it is to do with the database. Would someone be able to confirm this is true, and if there is an easy fix I would be at your feet in gratitude, if you were to help me. :rolleyes:


If it does not look like an easy fix, I am willing to pay someone for their time to help me.


Many thanks, Rachel

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