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help needed stock reducing not working


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Hi to you all i am posting this question again a my host is useless and will not help me !!!!!!!!!!!!

In the admin section of osc i have a stock option to reduce when a customer buys an item but!!!!!!!!!!! it does not work so am having to go into catalouge and do it manually. This is causing me a headache and taking to much time.

Any kind of help would be appreciated as we need this function to work. I have spent hours looking for an answer on osc but to no avail


Many thanks for your time and thanks in advance


craftyhobbies :huh:

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Hi John


Sounds similar to my problem. I am assuming under configuration > stock, both check stock level and Subtract stock are set to true?


Thanks for reply yes they are both set to true but its not reducing am well flumoxed :blink:

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