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Adding search


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I would like to know how to add search and specials to the middle of the page.I dont want them in the boxes. I know this must be a fairly easy task but it isnt in the OSCDox.Also I cant just add the box code to the page that is actually the middle(default?) because it would be the boxes code.I want something like the advanced search only a regular search on the start page. I realize this is probably a dumb question to some but I have yet to find the answer to it. Is there a contribution or some code that I can add somewhere to accomplish this. Well I know there is I am asking for it lolol. Thanks a million in advance I appreciate all the help everyone has given to me at this point. Excellent forum :shock:

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<form name="quick_find" method="get" action="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT, '', 'NONSSL', false);?>">

<input type="text" name="keywords" size="30" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(@$HTTP_GET_VARS["keywords"]));?>">

 <?php echo tep_image_submit('go.gif','Search');?>  </form>


Is that what you want ?

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