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Limit the use of "store pick up" to customers in s


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Is there an easy way to do this? I've recently had a frustrating amount of orders where the customer selected "in store pickup" because it's free thinking I wouldn't "catch it" and have gotten downright RUDE about it when I ask for shipping.. I of course am always polite and professional when I contact them, but they aren't as courteous back.


Since that obviously isn't working well, and people don't seem to understand what "Austin, TX only" means, is there a way I can limit the option to only those people with Texas addresses?


I looked into the spu.php (or flat.php, as they are near identicle files) and there isn't anything obvious to me to use to limit the selection... can someone help?

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Just a suggestion, but.... When you get to the shipping portion of your checkout the store pickup option is the default and is already selected. It might be an idea to change the default to your recommended shipping option (fedex Home/ground)


Also change the text of the spu option so that it is easier for the shopper to work out that they have to come and get it.




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anybody get this to work in a new snapshot? using snapshot 2,2,2003 and geting fatal error in admin.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class spu in /home/moogrets/public_html/store/catalog/includes/modules/shipping/spu.php on line 18

is the error I am getting.


TIA, Tony

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  • 1 month later...
bmcewan wrote:  

It might be an idea to change the default to your recommended shipping option (fedex Home/ground)  




How can I force it to do this? OSC seems to want to automatically choose to cheapest method.


Where did you find the setting for default?

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to set the default to zone rates, which i acheived by doing the following;


in checkout_shipping.php find


  if ( !tep_session_is_registered('shipping') || ( tep_session_is_registered('shipping') && ($shipping == false) && (tep_count_shipping_modules() > 1) ) ) $shipping = $shipping_modules->cheapest();

where the hey bit of code is

$shipping = $shipping_modules->cheapest();

change this little bit of code to resemble the default shipping rate you want to enforce instead of the cheapest.


i.e. for zone rates i changed it to


$shipping = 'zones_zones';



hope this makes sense to you and helps a little




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It does, thanks.


Can I make no selected default by not writing anything there? I wrote 'zones' (I did not know why it was called 'zones_zones') and none was selected as default.


i used the example zones because as i said earlier, i wanted to default to zone rates in my shop, if you do not use zone rates shipping or do not want to default to zone rates shipping then do not use zones_zones as the default.


To find out which default name to use go into the appropraite shipping module (i may be wrong here but) and at the class contructor; e.g.

  class zones {

   var $code, $title, $description, $enabled, $num_zones;

// class constructor

   function zones() {

     $this->code = 'zones';

$this->code = 'zones'; is where you get the default name from, where 'zones' would be your default shipping method.


hope this makes sense to you




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