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Ive been hacked


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I wonder if some one can help


I have been hacked and i cannot fix the problem


I notice it i goto www.mrgadget.co.za then you get the hackers message as you will see

But if i goto mrgadget.co.za with out the www in the front then the site is as per normal


I gust cannot seem to find what the hacker has done that is redirecting the site to a htm page thats not to be seen on the server



PLEASE HELP this is the 4th Hack in 2 weeks

My site is down more than up


I have IP TRAP installed and still this did not stop this DOOS from hacking me


Ohhh and he left a message

Hacked by Mr.stOp




Cheers Kevin

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Just IP TRAP is not much security at all, apply all the contribs http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=313323


Where I`ve seen these they add many files, some hidden, best way is to get your host to wipe everything & upload 'clean' version of site with a full set of security added.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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