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HELP! .htaccess Redirect Question


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Hey guys,


This isn't specifically an osC question, but I hope someone can help me anyway...


I'm trying to redirect all traffic from "http://www.ocdepot.com" or "http://ocdepot.com" TO

my store at http://www.ocdepot.com/oscom/ --- but NOT redirect requests for other files and directories on my website.


I ONLY want the actual domain name to redirect here.

So if I were to try and access ocdepot.com/art/index.htm, I DO NOT want it to redirect to ocdepot.com/oscom/art/index.htm


Right now, you can see the problem I'm having by trying to go here: http://www.ocdepot.com/art/CommonLinks/CommonLinks.html


There's some kind of loop error when it tries to handle anything besides just the domain name.



Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ocdepot\.com [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) [url="http://www.ocdepot.com/oscom$1"]http://www.ocdepot.com/oscom$1[/url] [R=301] 


www.ocdepot.com redirects great... but www.ocdepot.com/art/ causes problems.



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I think the header redirect would not be too much of an issue for just the home page, especially if you do it as a 301.


Or how about this?:


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?ocdepot.com$
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ oscom/ [L]






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I think the header redirect would not be too much of an issue for just the home page, especially if you do it as a 301.


Or how about this?:


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?ocdepot.com$
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ oscom/ [L]




Hey, I actually think that's working! Thanks!


If I end up having any trouble with it I'll try a header redirect --I could have sworn I read they weren't good for SEO to your entry page, but I'll give one a shot if I have to.

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