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Is there any plan to develop a search function in the contributions site? It seems like there are a lot of contibutions which are overlapping or old. It would be great if we could find a way to filter through all those mods.





..and it is something that will be added here in the future too. Harald has had just a bit to do around here. :) Patience....


Your attitude is BAD! The contributions are all evolving just like the software isand there is absolutely no need to have every contribution in the basic software.


Now if there is something in particular you are looking for, let us know politely and I'm sure someone will be glad to point it out.


Not sure how long you have been around Kim, but ive been messing with OSC for about 3 years now. It took great strides ar first, but its falling apart.


The problem is , you all DONT take advice from people. If you want donations, add the features people want, and make an on/off switch for the shit in the control panel. Plain and simple. :)


Otherwise, open the software to everyone, and lets get this thing developed.

Not sure how long you have been around Kim, but ive been messing with OSC for about 3 years now. It took great strides ar first, but its falling apart.


Why aren't you helping? Since when does the open source community owe you a thing?


The problem is , you all DONT take advice from people.


They don't have to.


If you want donations, add the features people want, and make an on/off switch for the stuff in the control panel. Plain and simple. :)


Make it youself. As I pointed out in your other troll-of-a-thread, the core should not be bloated with excess, non-mandatory features. Look at apache, the linux kernel, the BSD kernel, phpBB (go frank!), and numerous other projects.


Plain and simple. :roll:


Otherwise, open the software to everyone, and lets get this thing developed.


It is open, smarty. Why haven't you developed a single thing?


I don't know who twisted your tail but, it wasn't me and I don't appreciate it.


FYI - I have been using OSC for over 2 years.

Make it youself.  As I pointed out in your other troll-of-a-thread, the core should not be bloated with excess, non-mandatory features.  Look at apache, the linux kernel, the BSD kernel, phpBB (go frank!), and numerous other projects.


You hit the nail on the head! LOOK AT ALL THE FEATURS ON THOSE PIECES OF SOTWARE! Its called "options" . Can easily be done from the control panel. If you dont like something, turn it off. BIT AT LEAST PUT THE FEATURES IN THERE!


It is open, smarty.  Why haven't you developed a single thing?


I have developed more than you could ever imagine. I finally quit trying when none of the shit was getting added to the core code. The code gets updated, but never with new features. Now i am stuck with 20-30 emails a month from people saying "Why doesnt your mod work with such and such snapshot" BECAUSE THE DEVELOPERS DONT GIVE A SHIT, THATS WHY!


You are missing the whole point here. They have TONS of people willing to help (and actively helping) but it never benefits the project in any way. Its as if 50 people are off working on THE SAME PROJECT but never communicate.


You havent been using OSC/TEP long have you? haha



Make it youself. As I pointed out in your other troll-of-a-thread, the core should not be bloated with excess, non-mandatory features. Look at apache, the linux kernel, the BSD kernel, phpBB (go frank!), and numerous other projects.



You hit the nail on the head! LOOK AT ALL THE FEATURS ON THOSE PIECES OF SOTWARE! Its called "options" . Can easily be done from the control panel. If you dont like something, turn it off. BIT AT LEAST PUT THE FEATURES IN THERE!


Yet again, I am telling you learn how to properly capitalize letters when you type.


There is no control panel in apache, or the linux kernel, or the bsd kernel. Have you ever even looked at the source and configuraition for any of those pieces of software, let alone modified them?


And no, the features aren't there. Things like mod_gzip, mod_ssl, mod_perl, mod_perl, etc are [n]bot

che. You need to add them yourself if you want them. Why? Becasue not everyone needs every single feature. As I have told you already, its a take what you need and leave the rest system. It is not give me everything and I will disable what I want.


Where have you been the past decade of open source software development?


It is open' date=' smarty. Why haven't you developed a single thing?[/quote']


I have developed more than you could ever imagine. I finally quit trying when none of the shit was getting added to the core code. The code gets updated, but never with new features. Now i am stuck with 20-30 emails a month from people saying "Why doesnt your mod work with such and such snapshot" BECAUSE THE DEVELOPERS DONT GIVE A SHIT, THATS WHY!


What have you contributed? What have you developed?


The developers can and do do whatever they please. Get used to it. Why don't you have a superior, free, complete shopping cart right now? If you do, give us the link to your website. If not, be quiet and go away becuase I (and others too) think you haven't done a thing.

You are missing the whole point here. They have TONS of people willing to help (and actively helping) but it never benefits the project in any way. Its as if 50 people are off working on THE SAME PROJECT but never communicate.


You havent been using OSC/TEP long have you? haha


What do you call this forum? Communication? Or just random noise?


You haven't hit puberty yet, have you? haha :roll:



Quit with the cursing and lame insults, I can and will bury you.


I haven't been in OSC for very long, but so far I can say that I am extremely impressed. Most of the time when I need a modification, it is either found in the contributions, or it is fairly simple to code.


Combining the admin and catalog core files should be done as soon as possible. they appear to be so similar that it almost doesn't make sense to keep them separate. When the core files are collapsed, it would be a good idea to pay attention to building a flexible API that the modules can use.


What I think might also be a good idea to get added to the workboard is a way to drop and insert the mods. There is already some code there (for order_total) that does this very concept.




As far as the development team and availability of contributions, I think that the open source movement will never allow for an all incompassing feature pack. It is just not feasible to go through ever piece of code and add it as an option in the "off the shelf" version. As long as there are contributions that can be easily added to the basic features, every user can be satisfied with a customized version of OSC that fits their own purpose.


If a whole bunch of the contributions were suddenly added to the core of osC I think I would soon be looking through my archives for an old copy. That we have solid foundation on which to build is a key factor to many people sticking with it.... it is easily customised to appear and function in the way that is individually desired. Most of the contributions are very easily installed, even for the novice.


So what have your contributions been Waiting...?


Regarding the search in contributions..... we actually did have this before this BB was installed.... the old forums search engine could be used to search contributions as well.... how difficult would it be to put this back where it was..? it was also much better for searching the forums

I have developed more than you could ever imagine.




I finally quit trying when none of the shit was getting added to the core code.


Personally disappointed? Did you add your contribs to the thread asking for contribs to be integrated?


The code gets updated, but never with new features.


  • New checkout procedure

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No new functionality? Where are you living? ;-)


Now i am stuck with 20-30 emails a month from people saying "Why doesnt your mod work with such and such snapshot" BECAUSE THE DEVELOPERS DONT GIVE A SHIT, THATS WHY!


Lemme translate that: I want my contribs added to core so that I can get rid of stupid stuff like support and updating. I wanna write once, get the credits but I am not talking about long-term dedication, let them core team guys/gals handle the uninteresting stuff.


I do not agree :-)

You can't have everything. That's why trains have difficulty crossing oceans, and hippos did not adapt to fly. -- from the OpenBSD mailinglist.


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