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The e-commerce.

Set up osCommerce, and have it be fully functional to configure and add products BEFORE we point the domain name towards it?


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I have a new client who came to us with an old CGI based shopping cart site with 503 products in it: http://www.elliesdaylilies.com/


I would like to install osCommerce, and have it be fully functional to configure and add products without the domain name pointing towards it, so that she can still use the current website as source reference while filling in the soon to be, new osCommerce site.


We need the domain pointing to where it is so she can see and use the current site as a reference/source to fill in the new osCommerce site.


How can we set up osCommerce and have it be fully functional, to configure and add products, BEFORE we point the domain name towards it?


I tried editing both of the configure.php files in admin/includes and in catalog/includes.

I replaced the domain name with the IP address, but that just gave script errors.



Any help greatly appreciated .Thanks Darrin

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I've seen people use the IP address before with no problems.


The site I manage even had that (IP address for domain name) at the outset, so I know it will work.


Not meaning to be rude, crude, or obnoxious, but either you didn't do it right or there were/are other problems.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I have test sites with ip's instead of domain name, there is no problem, check your settings things correctly.



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I would install it in




and put htacess locking on it.


Then she can get to it


You could also use Easy Populate to import the 503 products.



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It's generally a good idea to install a major subsystem, such as a shopping cart, in its own directory tree. This keeps various subsystems out of each other's hair and permits adding, removing, updating, and changing each one without ruffling the feathers of the other ones. Most servers (at least, Apache-based ones with .htaccess or other redirection ability) let you redirect visitors if your store is not in the root. You can install osC into some directory and as suggested, password protect it until it's ready to go. If this store is the only thing on the site, you could set up redirection (via .htaccess or via a dummy index.html in the site root) to point to the store down in its own directory. By the way, don't use "secret"; use some reasonable name such as "store". You don't want to have to move the store (or changing IP addresses to real names) after getting it all set up and configured -- that's sure to break something! And if you have (or will have) multiple subsystems (add a forum, a blog, a gallery, another store,...) you can have an introductory page up in the root, with links to each subsystem.

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Thanks Guys! -I appreciate the replies! -


I ended up getting a domain name close to the original (just added the number '1' at the end of the domain name)

I have the store up and running and after she populates it, and the domain name gets pointed, I will correct the domain name, and then edit the two files removing the number 1 from the end .. I hope that works out!


I know the IP should have done the trick, but it was like the style sheet wasn't working, and all links were were still looking for the domain name ... oh well ... Thanks again! - Darrin

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