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Language Images not showing


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Hi all,


Im struggling with all the small little images like the language images, the buy now and all the english buttons located at /includes/languages/english/images/icon.gif etc. No images in the includes folder works. I have tried downloading and installing again but still nothing. I have also set all the correct permissions on the folders. I even tried setting the whole includes folder to 777.


If anyone has any help for me on this pls advise :)

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Try this. Upload images in BINARY not ASCII. You may need to disable AUTO in your FTP program.


All folders permissions = 755 no higher than that post install.


With 777 permission, you might find a "stranger" or a "gift" in your website.

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Hi all,


Im still struggling with this problem. Is there anyone out there that is able to help me out? I am also not getting any images, format or colour on my admin page whatsoever as well as the above. Please help im desperate :)

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Check these FOLDERS for .htaccess files:




If you find any, rename them to text.htaccess


You may have to toggle a setting in your cPanel to even see them because they are hidden files by default in the UNIX environment.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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