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The e-commerce.

working with product attributes


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Hi there - i've noticed some limitations with the product attributes on oscommerce. I'm working on a website which will have products available in different colours and sizes.


The attribute on the product needs a stock level e.g. if you buy a shoe and you selected red, size 5 - it needs to reduce the level of red size 5 shoes by one. Not just the main shoe product.... if that makes sense?


I cant create multiple products e.g. red shoe size 4, red shoe size 5, blue shoe size 8 - i'd rather it was the one master product and there were attributes to make these selections


also some variants may not be in stock - so I cant let the customer pick blue, and then select a 5 - if the blue size 5 is not in stock. but from what i see if you have 2 attributes on a product there's no sync / marry up between them. There's the chance they could pick blue, and five. They exist independently.


I need to be able to supress one attribute, depending on what they select on the other attribute. Is this a bridge too far?

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Product attribute sorter with clone tool and AJAX Attribute Manager spring to mind.


Suppressing attributes depending on previous selection is I belive a step to far as far as attributes are concerned.



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Product attribute sorter with clone tool and AJAX Attribute Manager spring to mind.


Suppressing attributes depending on previous selection is I belive a step to far as far as attributes are concerned.




Hi G,


I've just installed the attribute sorter with clone tool - but it doesnt handle stock levels. I've spotted a contrib which does stock but the files must be based on an old version of oscommerce because some of the fundamental structure of the files is completely different to what i've got - on non modified pages.


Anyone know of a recent contrib which deals with stock levels getting adjusted on the product attributes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having this same issue, thinking that it's a built in problem with oscommerce. So far the only way I can see to solve it is to have separate products for each attribute... Which is a pain. I've tried looking and asking on the forums, but like it appears you too have found, no one seems to answer or to know how to solve the problem. Will keep searching for a solution!

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