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Shipping charge not showing up in test purchases


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In Modules | Shipping I've got a green light next to 'Flat Rate' and a '1' in 'Enable Flat Shipping' and a 'Cost' of '5'. All other shipping options are showing red lights.


In Modules | Order Total 'Shipping' has got a green light and a 'true' for display, and '0' for the sort order.


Do I need to turn something else on?


It's a v2.2 document root installation, exactly by the book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine are not working either. I need this fixed, please does anyone know why it's not working??

It shows up on the checkout_payment page what the shipping charge will be but when you click continue and go to checkout-confirmation it's not there and it's not charging!

Anyone know?

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no, sorry. My shipping is still not working. Right now I'm having to ship free and that cost is adding up quickly. It was working. Just all the sudden it stopped and I have no idea why.

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Same thing is going on for my test site.


It was showing up with Free shipping, but then I removed that option, and now there are NO options for shipping. I don't know what to do.


This is from a loaded Ian's snapshot of Feb 17th.

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I have no idea what's going on here... And I can't stomach the idea of people thinking they are getting 500 pound cabinets shipped for free...


Anyway, I installed the recient Ian's loaded, but can't get the shipping working. It makes everything free.


I had a brainstorm... Go back and uninstall the free shipping contribution!




It didn't work. :?


Is this isolated to Ian's recient loaded snapshot? Any thoughts?

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I don't have any mods installed and it's still not working for me, I've tried everything! This is costing me as well :(


I think you should email out your mailing list that you have free shipping this week only!


As they say, you got lemons, make lemonade. :D

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I've recently installes v2.2 and have just started testing the site. But as you've also experienced the shipping is not working properly.


I've set a flat rate fee but this is not indicated anywhere along the checkput process and more importantly not charged to the customer. If you have any luck in fixing the problem please let me know.


Has anyone tried using the shipping module from 2.1?



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I have not tried, but I may try reinstalling the base 2.2 module.


Frustrating, but all of our efforts should work out. And if not, I'm sure someone smarter than me will figure it out... :)

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I too am tempted to start again but I was hoping that the "smarter" person comes along before I feel I need to take that action.


Keep me informed on how you get on! i.e. i'll let you start again first :lol:

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If you had an existing shop and upgraded ...


Save your old settings, then turn off all shipping modules and then turn them on so they reset.


If they do not show, check your /includes/configure.php file and make sure you are using the real path and not $DOCUMENT_ROOT or $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']

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If you had an existing shop and upgraded ...


Save your old settings, then turn off all shipping modules and then turn them on so they reset.


If they do not show, check your /includes/configure.php file and make sure you are using the real path and not $DOCUMENT_ROOT or $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']


Thank you much for your input.


My install is from a Ian's Loaded of Feb 17th - so it's a fresh install. I've actually spent time manually removing the free shipping module to no avail. Everything is backed up so it won't take TOO much to put it back.


As for making sure I'm using the real path, which files do you mean? My test site is at http://www.wowandzen.com/default.php (site not done yet at all) and I think the relevant files from configure.php are...


  define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.wowandzen.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be NULL for productive servers

 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://host6.globalnameservers.com/wowandzen');



 define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/home/wowandze/wowandzen-www');

 define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home/wowandze/wowandzen-www/');


Again, all input is GREATLY appreciated. :)



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If you are using Ian's Load5 ... then you have modified versions of the shipping and payment modules.


The Downloads Controller v5.3 has the correct way to use the Free Shipping and Payment modules with no editing to be done to any of the other shipping and payment modules and the Free shipping and payment modules can be turned off completely without messing things up.


The old Downloads Controller code should be removed and the new code added as this now uses the new orders_status options in the Admin settings for payment methods.


As to the payment and shipping modules, as far as my code for that goes, I use the original payment and shipping modules and add the two new Free shipping and payment modules and just turn them on/off in the Admin.


Check the code updates for the other files to see what else is effected by the new Downloads Controller v5.3 and I think it will get you back on track.

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No luck yet. I actually won't get a chance to do this until later today. Hopefully by dinner time.


Question for Linda:


Ian's loaded (as you know) comes with many mods already and the `configuration` table is already full - and I added your column controller. Do I need to change th `configuration_group_id` to 16 rather than 13? Because 13 through 15 are already being used by other mods for the `configuration_group_id`.


And if I do need to make that change, is there somewhere else that I need to modify to reflect that?

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I did not write the admin to that.


I am in the process of re-writing that whole add-on for full catalog and admin control.


You will need to contact the author on the admin side of it. But I do believe that might be a required change if the group already exists.

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I think this is one of the places where the "sort order" can be responsible. I have read sooooooo many posts...


As someone said, it is being done in the database, but, not shown. I wish I could remember the postor... Perhaps they will decloak and be heard...



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:cry: No luck.


I installed downloads controller 5.3 and it didn't affect my shipping.


So here's what's going on with me... I actually do get the proper shipping for items under $50, but I can not turn off the free shipping over $50! I'm so confused.


I think it's time for margaritas.

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