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Google XML Sitemap SEO


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I'm using this contribution on a 2.3.1 release.


Opening   /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/sitemapproducts.xml
FS_CAT    /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/
Server    http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com
Save Path /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/
WS_CAT    / 
Write /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/sitemapproducts.xml
Generated Google Product Sitemap Successfully

Opening   /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/sitemapcategories.xml
FS_CAT    /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/
Server    http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com
Save Path /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/
WS_CAT    / 
Write /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/sitemapcategories.xml
Generated Google Category Sitemap Successfully

Opening   /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/sitemapindex.xml
FS_CAT    /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/
Server    http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com
Save Path /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/
WS_CAT    / 
Write /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/sitemapindex.xml
Generated Google Sitemap Index Successfully

CONGRATULATIONS! All files generated successfully.

If you have not already submitted the sitemap index to Google click the link below.
Before you do I HIGHLY recommend that you view the XML files to make sure the data is correct.


For your convenience here is the CRON command for your site:
php /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/googlesitemap/index.php

Here is your sitemap index: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/sitemapindex.xml
Here is your product sitemap: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/sitemapproducts.xml
Here is your category sitemap: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/sitemapcategories.xml


Seems fine. I tried the alternate through the admin as well, however I got 'could not open' errors.


All sitemap... files are set to 755.


I'm getting this error.


XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: http://www.nettletea.com/sitemapindex.xml
Line Number 1, Column 1:


I have SEO URLs, Header Tags SEO, FWR Security Pro and Bad Behavior contributions.


Google Webmaster tools notified me of this error, and can't read the sitemap(s).


I've read through this thread and thought I found the solution, but since I'm posting...well, I haven't. LOL


This is my htaccess file:


# Begin Ultimate SEO V2.2d 
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^xxxxxxxx\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.xxxxxxxx.com/$1 [R=301,L]
 # RewriteBase instructions 
 # Change RewriteBase dependent on how your shop is accessed as below. 
 # http://www.mysite.com = RewriteBase / 
 # http://www.mysite.com/catalog/ = RewriteBase /catalog/  
 # http://www.mysite.com/catalog/shop/ = RewriteBase /catalog/shop/ 

 # Change the following line using the instructions above  

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-(.*).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-(.*).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-au-(.*).html$ articles.php?authors_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-(.*).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-(.*).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-f-(.*).html$ faqdesk_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fc-(.*).html$ faqdesk_index.php?faqPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fri-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-fra-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_article.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-(.*).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-links-(.*).html$ links.php?lPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pm-([0-9]+).html$ info_pages.php?pages_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-n-(.*).html$ newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nc-(.*).html$ newsdesk_index.php?newsPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nri-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-nra-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_article.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-po-([0-9]+).html$ pollbooth.php?pollid=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
# End Ultimate SEO V2.2ddeny from


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Edited by birdrockdesigns
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I'm getting this error.


XML Parsing Error: no element found

That usually occurs when the gss.xsl is missing. Please be sure you uploaded it. If it is on the server, look at the map files themselves to see if they are not correct.

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That usually occurs when the gss.xsl is missing. Please be sure you uploaded it. If it is on the server, look at the map files themselves to see if they are not correct.


gss.xsl is on the server


I checked these files, which are all blank:









I've set these files' permissions to 755, do I need to set any of the files' permissions in the googlesitemap folder to 755?


I'm stumped.

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I checked these files, which are all blank:









I've set these files' permissions to 755, do I need to set any of the files' permissions in the googlesitemap folder to 755?

Those should be blank until the script is ran. The permissions need to be set to whatever permissions are on your images directory. 755 may not be correct for your server.

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Those should be blank until the script is ran. The permissions need to be set to whatever permissions are on your images directory. 755 may not be correct for your server.


The images folder is set to 755. After the script is run (by going to xxxxx.com/googlesitemap/index.php, store is in root of site), the sitemap files are still blank. I cleared the related database tables, and did a complete re-install. Same result.


Could there be settings in the htaccess files, in terms of mod rewrite, that would affect the sitemap files?


I went to the admin, and put all the settings to 'true', and to exclude contact_us.php


I used the 'standard' sitemap file


Re-ran the script and here are the results (note: we don't have specials, as the site is still in development)


Opening   /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapproducts.xml
FS_CAT    /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
Server    http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.com
Save Path /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
WS_CAT    / 
Write /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapproducts.xml
Generated Google Product Sitemap Successfully

Opening   /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapcategories.xml
FS_CAT    /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
Server    http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.com
Save Path /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
WS_CAT    / 
Write /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapcategories.xml
Generated Google Category Sitemap Successfully

Opening   /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapmanufacturers.xml
FS_CAT    /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
Server    http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.com
Save Path /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
WS_CAT    / 
Write /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapmanufacturers.xml
Generated Google Manufacturers Sitemap Successfully

Google Sitemap Specials not generated - no specials found!

Warning:  chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/googlesitemap/sitemap.class.php on line 775

ERROR: Google Pages Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Opening   /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapindex.xml
FS_CAT    /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
Server    http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.com
Save Path /home/xxxxxxxxxx/
WS_CAT    / 
Write /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapindex.xml
Generated Google Sitemap Index Successfully

   [QUERY] => Array
           [PRODUCTS] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 4

           [CATEOGRY] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 4

           [MANUFACTURERS] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 10

           [sPECIALS] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 0


   [sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [file] => /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapproducts.xml
                   [status] => success
                   [file_exists] => true

           [1] => Array
                   [file] => /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapcategories.xml
                   [status] => success
                   [file_exists] => true

           [2] => Array
                   [file] => /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapmanufacturers.xml
                   [status] => success
                   [file_exists] => true

           [3] => Array
                   [file] => /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapindex.xml
                   [status] => success
                   [file_exists] => true




I noticed that 'Category' was misspelled 'CATEOGRY' - this wouldn't affect anything, would it?


I'm assuming that warning: ch.dir is because we don't have specials?


Thanks again for your assistance.

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Re-ran the script and here are the results (note: we don't have specials, as the site is still in development)


Opening /home/xxxxxxxxxx/sitemapproducts.xml

I apologize for not noticing it before but it appears your path is incorrect. I can't be sure since you have it x'd out but an example of a proper path is /home/username/public_html/sitemap...,so you are missing a level. That would be caused by your configure file.

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I apologize for not noticing it before but it appears your path is incorrect. I can't be sure since you have it x'd out but an example of a proper path is /home/username/public_html/sitemap...,so you are missing a level. That would be caused by your configure file.


Yup, that's it! Had moved the site to another server and the path did not include 'public_html', so fixed it, and the script ran without a hitch. Excellent, thank you Jack!

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I am not sure what is wrong. I thought I did everything right. This is a fresh install 3.2.1 with ultimate seo URLs 5 pro inslalled first and working.


I have tried it both with permissions as 777 and 755.


Here is what I get with standard. Alternative caused an internal server error 500.


I would apprecaite any help. Thanks so much!!!





Opening /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapproducts.xmlFS_CAT /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/Server http://www.midwesternwholesaler.comSave Path /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/WS_CAT /catalog/ Write /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapproducts.xmlGenerated Google Product Sitemap Successfully


Opening /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapcategories.xmlFS_CAT /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/Server http://www.midwesternwholesaler.comSave Path /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/WS_CAT /catalog/ Write /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapcategories.xmlGenerated Google Category Sitemap Successfully


ERROR: Google Pages Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapindex.xmlFS_CAT /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/Server http://www.midwesternwholesaler.comSave Path /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/WS_CAT /catalog/ Write /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapindex.xmlGenerated Google Sitemap Index Successfully




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 1



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 8





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapproducts.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true



[1] => Array


[file] => /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapcategories.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true



[2] => Array


[file] => /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog/sitemapindex.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true






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I am not sure what is wrong. I thought I did everything right. This is a fresh install 3.2.1 with ultimate seo URLs 5 pro inslalled first and working.

SEO 5 isn't compatible with this contribution. You either need to use Ultimate SEO V2.2d (recommended) or remove this contribution and install the one with a similar name that SEO 5 will work with.

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Fails to generate, if i enable standard pages. Otherwise works fine if standard pages map is disabled.


I am running 2.3.1 unmodified except for i added Header Tags SEO & Ultimate SEO V 2.2d and they both work fine.


I appreciate any help.





Opening /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapproducts.xmlFS_CAT /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/Server http://www.midwesternwholesaler.comSave Path /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/WS_CAT /catalog2/ Write /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapproducts.xmlGenerated Google Product Sitemap Successfully


Opening /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapcategories.xmlFS_CAT /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/Server http://www.midwesternwholesaler.comSave Path /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/WS_CAT /catalog2/ Write /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapcategories.xmlGenerated Google Category Sitemap Successfully


Opening /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapspecials.xmlFS_CAT /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/Server http://www.midwesternwholesaler.comSave Path /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/WS_CAT /catalog2/ Write /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapspecials.xmlGenerated Google Specials Sitemap Successfully


ERROR: Google Pages Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapindex.xmlFS_CAT /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/Server http://www.midwesternwholesaler.comSave Path /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/WS_CAT /catalog2/ Write /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapindex.xmlGenerated Google Sitemap Index Successfully




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 28



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 21



[sPECIALS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 4





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapproducts.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true



[1] => Array


[file] => /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapcategories.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true



[2] => Array


[file] => /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapspecials.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true



[3] => Array


[file] => /hermes/web08/b1259/moo.midwesternwholesaler/catalog2/sitemapindex.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true






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Fails to generate, if i enable standard pages. Otherwise works fine if standard pages map is disabled.


I am running 2.3.1 unmodified except for i added Header Tags SEO & Ultimate SEO V 2.2d and they both work fine.

Your previous post said you were using SEO 5. You need to be sure which you have since it won't work if have the wrong one. If the pages map is causing it to fail, the only things I can think of is that that file does not have the correct permissions or maybe you have some rewriting going on or an invalid page that is causing it to fail.

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Your previous post said you were using SEO 5. You need to be sure which you have since it won't work if have the wrong one. If the pages map is causing it to fail, the only things I can think of is that that file does not have the correct permissions or maybe you have some rewriting going on or an invalid page that is causing it to fail.



Hi... I really appreciate it. You are fast. WOW.


I started over from fresh install oscommerece 2.3.1, and then installed Header Tags SEO V 3.2.5 and Ultimate SEO 2-2.2d-11 . I set all the permissions to 755 on all the files catalog to 755.


If I set a couple the permissions after doing the mysql query, would I need to run the query again? Is that possible?


Do you have any idea where i would look for the problem?





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Hi... I really appreciate it. You are fast. WOW.


I started over from fresh install oscommerece 2.3.1, and then installed Header Tags SEO V 3.2.5 and Ultimate SEO 2-2.2d-11 . I set all the permissions to 755 on all the files catalog to 755.


If I set a couple the permissions after doing the mysql query, would I need to run the query again? Is that possible?


Do you have any idea where i would look for the problem?







a little more info..... googlexml_sitemap_seo_v_1.5.zip is the version of google seo I am trying to use.


Also... the site map does not sho seo urls.




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I started over from fresh install oscommerece 2.3.1, and then installed Header Tags SEO V 3.2.5 and Ultimate SEO 2-2.2d-11 . I set all the permissions to 755 on all the files catalog to 755.


If I set a couple the permissions after doing the mysql query, would I need to run the query again? Is that possible?


Do you have any idea where i would look for the problem?

No, you only need to make the sql changes once. If everything is installed correctly and the permissions are correct (755 may not be correct for your server as pointed out previously), then you should try the alternate setting. If it still fails, it isn't something I can solve in a support thread since it would seem to be related to your server.

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I have a similar problem.

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapproducts.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapcategories.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Warning:  fopen(/sitemappages.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Pages Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapindex.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Sitemap Index Generation FAILED!

   [QUERY] => Array


I read everything in this post and and it seems to me that this problem configure.php

I had previously Address http://phuhaka.nazwa.pl/hakazoo2 and everything worked nicely, now address is www.hakazoo.pl.

my configure.php looks like this


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.hakazoo.pl');
 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://www.hakazoo.pl');
 define('ENABLE_SSL', false);
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'hakazoo.pl');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'hakazoo.pl');
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/');
 define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/');
 define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/');
 define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');
 define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');
 define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');
 define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');
 define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');
 define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');
 define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');
 define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');

 define('DIR_WS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC', 'pub/');
 define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/');
 define('DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'download/');


of course images and googlesitemap is 777.

Please help.


Edited by af2p
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turned Diagnostic Output, changed : DIR_FS_CATALOG', 'http://www.hakazoo.pl' but still not working. This is what is displayed:


Opening   /sitemapproducts.xml
FS_CAT    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Server    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Save Path /
WS_CAT    / 

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapproducts.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Opening   /sitemapcategories.xml
FS_CAT    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Server    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Save Path /
WS_CAT    / 

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapcategories.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Warning:  chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 784

Opening   /sitemappages.xml
FS_CAT    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Server    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Save Path /
WS_CAT    / 

Warning:  fopen(/sitemappages.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Pages Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Opening   /sitemapindex.xml
FS_CAT    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Server    http://www.hakazoo.pl
Save Path /
WS_CAT    / 

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapindex.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/phuhaka/ftp/hakazoo2/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Sitemap Index Generation FAILED!

   [QUERY] => Array
           [PRODUCTS] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 736

           [CATEOGRY] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 8


   [sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [file] => /sitemapproducts.xml
                   [status] => failure
                   [file_exists] => false

           [1] => Array
                   [file] => /sitemapcategories.xml
                   [status] => failure
                   [file_exists] => false

           [2] => Array
                   [file] => /sitemappages.xml
                   [status] => failure
                   [file_exists] => false

           [3] => Array
                   [file] => /sitemapindex.xml
                   [status] => failure
                   [file_exists] => false



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regular setting mean phuhaka.nazwa.pl/hakazoo2?

I can't just leave it because I use Seo Url and it has to work with domain hakazoo.pl,

the file configure.php is a good?

Regular setting means the setting that is not alternate. If you are using SEO 5, it is not compatible with this contribution. Your diagnostic shows the paths are not correct.


All of these have been covered many times in this thread. You will need to do some homework and review the posts.

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I have a problem with the sitemap:


Warning: fopen(/home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemapproducts.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemap.class.php on line 593


ERROR: Ha habido un fallo al intentar generar el Sitemap de los Productos de su catalogo para Google!




Warning: fopen(/home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemapcategories.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemap.class.php on line 593


ERROR: Ha habido un fallo al intentar generar el Sitemap de las Categorias de su catalogo para Google!




Warning: fopen(/home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemapindex.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemap.class.php on line 593


ERROR: Ha habido un fallo al intentar generar el Index Sitemap de su catalogo para Google!




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 317



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 33





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemapproducts.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[1] => Array


[file] => /home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemapcategories.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[2] => Array


[file] => /home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemapindex.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false








This is the line 593 of sitemap.class.php:


if ($fp = fopen($filename, 'w+')){
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I have a problem with the sitemap:


Warning: fopen(/home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemapproducts.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kubedesi/public_html/sitemap.class.php on line 593


This is the line 593 of sitemap.class.php:

The error means you didn't set the permissions correctly or your server is setup in a way that is preventing it. If you can't figure it out, you will need to show the error to your host so they can check it.

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The error means you didn't set the permissions correctly or your server is setup in a way that is preventing it. If you can't figure it out, you will need to show the error to your host so they can check it.


Thanks! I configure the permissions in 777 and 755 but nothing. I will show the error to my host.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there


Have had this Contrib working for some tinme now and the problem i have is that the links are ending ?language=URL_LANGUAGE instead of ?language=en which comes up as duplicate content in google webmaster, have messaed about with it but cannot find where the problem it, installed and reinstalled some older and newer versions including Chemo's orig but its still doing it, could someone please point me in the right direction.



thank you





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Have had this Contrib working for some tinme now and the problem i have is that the links are ending ?language=URL_LANGUAGE instead of ?language=en which comes up as duplicate content in google webmaster, have messaed about with it but cannot find where the problem it, installed and reinstalled some older and newer versions including Chemo's orig but its still doing it, could someone please point me in the right direction.

There seems to be something wrong with your shops installation. The define, URL_LANGUAGE, is not anywhere in this contribution, nor in the basic oscommerce code, as far as I know. And you shouldn't be seeing a language argument at all.

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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