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Google XML Sitemap SEO


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I need advice on this contribution before removing Dynamic Sitemap and install Google XML Sitemap SEO.


I have recently changed hosting company due to old one wont allo Mod_Rewrite and now I have managed to turn on my Ultimate SEO URLs. However I noticed current Dynamic Sitemap addon generates different links to those been rewrited by SEO URLs.


I checked on google webmastertools and seems google bot is still able to follow those links without error. Thank God :D


I want to maximise my website SEO and seems would be good to replace my old Dynamic Sitemap by Google XML Sitemap SEO.


Now, I have a couple questions:

1. Does the sitemap created by Google XML Sitemap SEO fully compatiable with other search engines?

2. Does Google XML Sitemap SEO also automaticly submit sitemap to all major Search Engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo? (I am asking cos Dynamic Sitemap does submit to Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com upon completion automaticly.)

A bit of history:

When I wrote the Dynamic Sitemap contribution, I didn't include an option to create sitemaps since I knew there would be a compatibility issues and Chemo had already written Google XML Sitemap, which this one is based on. The purpose of the Dynamic Sitemap contribution was to provide an on-site site map while this one provides an off-site site map (both are needed for best SEO results). When someone added the option to Dynamic Sitemap to submit sitemaps, the problems started. I abandoned it at that point and wrote Sitemap SEO, which is superior to Dynamic Sitemap in all ways.


So I recommend replacing Dynamic Sitemap with Sitemap SEO and then use this contribution to create your sitemaps. They are created via a cron job so there's nothing you need do once it is setup. The sitemaps are of a common format used by the other search engines so there's no need to submit them once created. They only need to be submitted to google since google uses them for reports. If you want to use the Bing report option, then they will accept the feed to. I don't think too many people used yahoo's map options but now that Bing handles the searches for yahoo, that's probably a non-issue anyway.


If you are going to keep Dynamic Sitemap, I don't recommend using the sitemap feature. If google isn't complaining about the url's being different, they will eventually. But even if they don't, using it will mean the url's listed in the search engine pages won't always be correct.

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A bit of history:

When I wrote the Dynamic Sitemap contribution, I didn't include an option to create sitemaps since I knew there would be a compatibility issues and Chemo had already written Google XML Sitemap, which this one is based on. The purpose of the Dynamic Sitemap contribution was to provide an on-site site map while this one provides an off-site site map (both are needed for best SEO results). When someone added the option to Dynamic Sitemap to submit sitemaps, the problems started. I abandoned it at that point and wrote Sitemap SEO, which is superior to Dynamic Sitemap in all ways.


So I recommend replacing Dynamic Sitemap with Sitemap SEO and then use this contribution to create your sitemaps. They are created via a cron job so there's nothing you need do once it is setup. The sitemaps are of a common format used by the other search engines so there's no need to submit them once created. They only need to be submitted to google since google uses them for reports. If you want to use the Bing report option, then they will accept the feed to. I don't think too many people used yahoo's map options but now that Bing handles the searches for yahoo, that's probably a non-issue anyway.


If you are going to keep Dynamic Sitemap, I don't recommend using the sitemap feature. If google isn't complaining about the url's being different, they will eventually. But even if they don't, using it will mean the url's listed in the search engine pages won't always be correct.



Jack, Thanks for your quick reply.


Im going to remove Dynamic Sitemap and add below 3 contributions. First 2 are recommended by you, and I just need to check if I have the need to add the 3rd one? as all 3 of them are done by you or Chemo. :D


For my customer, they use this in-house sitemap:

Sitemap SEO V1.7 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6459


For Google Search Engine SEO:

Google XML Sitemap SEO V1.5 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6583


For Other Search Engines feeds:

Google XML Sitemap Feed by nuskati / 10 Oct 2010 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/3233



Im with godaddy and they do allow cron job on their sharedplatform. I am attaching my php.ini (assigned to my hosting account), please advise me if i need extra modification

register_globals = off

allow_url_fopen = on


expose_php = Off

max_input_time = 60

variables_order = "EGPCS"

extension_dir = ./

upload_tmp_dir = /tmp

precision = 12

SMTP = relay-hosting.secureserver.net

url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset="



; Only uncomment zend optimizer lines if your application requires Zend Optimizer support










; -- Be very careful to not to disable a function which might be needed!

; -- Uncomment the following lines to increase the security of your PHP site.


;disable_functions = "highlight_file,ini_alter,ini_restore,openlog,passthru,

; phpinfo, exec, system, dl, fsockopen, set_time_limit,

; popen, proc_open, proc_nice,shell_exec,show_source,symlink"



Thanks again Jack!!!


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Google XML Sitemap SEO V1.5 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6583


Google XML Sitemap Feed by nuskati / 10 Oct 2010 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/3233



Im with godaddy and they do allow cron job on their sharedplatform. I am attaching my php.ini (assigned to my hosting account), please advise me if i need extra modification


No, you don't need both of the above. The one by Chemo had been abandoned and had a lot of problems. I cleaned it up and changed some of the code to make this one so you only need to install the one.


Godaddy does a lot of things that cause adjustements to be needed but I've never ran into a site hosted by them where the cron jobs didn't work.

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Okay I installed everything that the read me file said and when i go to http://mysite/google_sitemap.php this is all it says on the page [an error occurred while processing this directive] any idea how to fix this

No, but you could try the diagnostic option in the settings to try to figure out the problem.

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No, you don't need both of the above. The one by Chemo had been abandoned and had a lot of problems. I cleaned it up and changed some of the code to make this one so you only need to install the one.


Godaddy does a lot of things that cause adjustements to be needed but I've never ran into a site hosted by them where the cron jobs didn't work.



Hi Jack


I have removed Dynamic Sitemap, installed Sitemap SEO V1.7 and Google XML Sitemap SEO V1.5


Both of them worked pretty well so far. I have not checked my error log as godaddy server doesnt generate logs in real time :( I will get back to you later on if there any errors at backend.


Im here to say a BIG THANK YOU :D Both addons are easy to install (even on my heavily modded site) and looked very clean, code wise. You are brilliant.


I got 2 additional questions, and im sure its me not smart enought :P and hope you can help.

1. I also installed your 'SiteMonitor', I noticed both SiteMonitor and Sitemap SEO have a function to support Version Checker. Now the question is whether there are any codes repeated to call Version Checker?


2. Do you have a USER MANUAL for Sitemap SEO? There are too many options in Admin, I am very confused.

My in house sitemap generated very nice but on the right side, everything has been generated twice. please see pic below. Im sure this is to do with the setting but i have no idea where to start.





Thank You!!!


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I have removed Dynamic Sitemap, installed Sitemap SEO V1.7 and Google XML Sitemap SEO V1.5

This is the support thread for the Google XML Sitemap SEO contribution. Please ask support questions for other contributions in their support thread.

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You may want to create sitemap using online sitemap generator. I know this tool created sitemap is accepted by Google as the sitemap is created using Sitemaps.org standards

Ignoring the obvious spamming, which is against forum rules, scripts like that won't work properly with oscommerce shops and should be avoided.

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Hey Jack,


I have updated your code. The updated contribution is located at: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7610



Support thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/366544-google-xml-sitemap-seo-compatible-with-fwr-media-ultimate-seo-url-5/


Ideally, it would be better if you can update the code within your contribution so there won't be a need for a separate contribution link.

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I have updated your code. The updated contribution is located at: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7610


Support thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/366544-google-xml-sitemap-seo-compatible-with-fwr-media-ultimate-seo-url-5/


Ideally, it would be better if you can update the code within your contribution so there won't be a need for a separate contribution link.

No, you created a new contribution. Mine works fine in a properly setup shop using contributions that are compatible with oscommerce. I've installed it into hundreds of shops and never had a problem, nor did the original by Chemo, I should add. I might change it at some point but don't see a reason to at this time.

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No, you created a new contribution. Mine works fine in a properly setup shop using contributions that are compatible with oscommerce. I've installed it into hundreds of shops and never had a problem, nor did the original by Chemo, I should add. I might change it at some point but don't see a reason to at this time.


Right. I created a new contribution but it's just modified from your code. Also, the contribution does not work with FWR Media's Ultimate SEO URL. it does not take into account that the links have seo enabled.

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Right. I created a new contribution but it's just modified from your code. Also, the contribution does not work with FWR Media's Ultimate SEO URL. it does not take into account that the links have seo enabled.

I understand. I was just pointing that out so that users of this one didn't think it had been replaced. Announcing a new contribution is anothers support thread isn't polite, though I'm sure you didn't mean anything by it.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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I'm having problems with this step: 3) Run the included google_xml_sitemap_seo.sql file using phpmyadmin.


I don't get it! Could someone please make an "install for dummies"?

These may help.

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No, that didn't help me.

I got into my phpadmin, but I'm really unsure on what to do next.

Keep in mind that google is your friend. Here's another set of links. If those don't help, you can probably see the method in how to find others.

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Hi Jack


I have had same problem regarding my Sitemap SEO which I have already posted onto related support thread.


Here, under admin->Configuration i cannt find 'Google XML SEO'


I think its the same that my database has been altered or reverted to a restore point thats before my installation of Sitemap SEO and Google XML SEO. I am going to attemp run sql again but could you write a program or show me what tables i gotta drop in the database? I want to drop all table inserted for Google XML SEO incase godaddy didnt do restore and I will end up with duplicated tables.


I am not good with database, I dont want to drop something thats related to other contribution.




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Hi Jack


I have had same problem regarding my Sitemap SEO which I have already posted onto related support thread.


Here, under admin->Configuration i cannt find 'Google XML SEO'


I think its the same that my database has been altered or reverted to a restore point thats before my installation of Sitemap SEO and Google XML SEO. I am going to attemp run sql again but could you write a program or show me what tables i gotta drop in the database? I want to drop all table inserted for Google XML SEO incase godaddy didnt do restore and I will end up with duplicated tables.


I am not good with database, I dont want to drop something thats related to other contribution.

The database changes for this contribution are small so just refer to the sql file and delete those in your database.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Everything is working as far as no errors, however my sitemaps are empty. Debug mode no errors, just no info in the sitemaps. My permissions are set correctly on these files, also. If this is a host/server problem how do I get around it. I can get better hosting tech support from calling mcdonalds? Any help would be, well, helpful.

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Got some issues after installing this on my fresh 2.3.1 with USU5 installed.


In Standard mode I get following error message,


1054 - Unknown column 'c.categories_status' in 'where clause'

SELECT p.products_id as pID, p.products_date_added as date_added, p.products_last_modified as last_mod, p.products_ordered
		    FROM products p, categories c, products_to_categories p2c where c.categories_status='1' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and p.products_status='1'
			ORDER BY products_ordered DESC



And when changing to Alternate I get following message,


Opening   /sitemapproducts.xml
FS_CAT    /home/wihirt/public_html/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/
Server    http://www.koolkatjazz.com
Save Path /
WS_CAT    /oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/ 

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapproducts.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/wihirt/public_html/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Opening   /sitemapcategories.xml
FS_CAT    /home/wihirt/public_html/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/
Server    http://www.koolkatjazz.com
Save Path /
WS_CAT    /oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/ 

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapcategories.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/wihirt/public_html/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!

Opening   /sitemapindex.xml
FS_CAT    /home/wihirt/public_html/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/
Server    http://www.koolkatjazz.com
Save Path /
WS_CAT    /oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/ 

Warning:  fopen(/sitemapindex.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/wihirt/public_html/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353

ERROR: Google Sitemap Index Generation FAILED!

   [QUERY] => Array
           [PRODUCTS] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 693

           [CATEOGRY] => Array
                   [sTATUS] => success
                   [NUM_ROWS] => 55


   [sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array
           [0] => Array
                   [file] => /sitemapproducts.xml
                   [status] => failure
                   [file_exists] => false

           [1] => Array
                   [file] => /sitemapcategories.xml
                   [status] => failure
                   [file_exists] => false

           [2] => Array
                   [file] => /sitemapindex.xml
                   [status] => failure
                   [file_exists] => false




Please help



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Everything is working as far as no errors, however my sitemaps are empty. Debug mode no errors, just no info in the sitemaps. My permissions are set correctly on these files, also. If this is a host/server problem how do I get around it. I can get better hosting tech support from calling mcdonalds? Any help would be, well, helpful.

If the script runs and says it completed successfully, then the files should be populated. It might be that you are getting an error but your server isn't setup to show them. The code uses the GLOB_BRACE argument in the glob function and that doesn't work on some servers. You should be able to see that in your error logs though.

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Got some issues after installing this on my fresh 2.3.1 with USU5 installed.

I haven't tried this with 2.3 so there is the possibility it won't work with that version. And there are known problems with USU5. A copy of this contribution was made so it would work with that contribution. It was mentioned here not too long ago so you should be able to find it.

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I haven't tried this with 2.3 so there is the possibility it won't work with that version. And there are known problems with USU5. A copy of this contribution was made so it would work with that contribution. It was mentioned here not too long ago so you should be able to find it.


Thank you Jack



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Hi Jack


I installed Artical manager yesterday and did all the configuration in Sitemap SEO and Google XML Sitemap SEO. Also resubmitted sitemap manually in Google Webmaster Tool.


TOday, google has downloaded my new sitemap however the Artical was not included. I went through all sitemap links thats showing in webmaster tools, I cannt see the artical link in the xml files. Suprisly, many of my 'Specials' aint showing in the XML.


I went back to my own site and checked the on site sitemap and everything were there.


I think its something to do with Google XML SEO but i dont know what to do with it.


Please help




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Hi Jack


I installed Artical manager yesterday and did all the configuration in Sitemap SEO and Google XML Sitemap SEO. Also resubmitted sitemap manually in Google Webmaster Tool.


TOday, google has downloaded my new sitemap however the Artical was not included. I went through all sitemap links thats showing in webmaster tools, I cannt see the artical link in the xml files. Suprisly, many of my 'Specials' aint showing in the XML.


I went back to my own site and checked the on site sitemap and everything were there.


I think its something to do with Google XML SEO but i dont know what to do with it.

If the articles are listed in the sitemap on your shop and not in google then google is not accepting it for some reason. You will need to check the errors they provide in your google account.

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