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Google XML Sitemap SEO


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Help me understand this. While I was trying resolve an issue with Google XML Sitemap SEO, my server's host had began migrating my server to a new company. Now my site won't load. They blamed it on a script being called twice and blocking two ports. Also, they say it's something to do with httpd. Here's what the tech said in a support ticket:


Since this contrib and Configuration Cache was the last scripts I attempted to run (if it's a script), I decided to start here so I can began to see if they're trying to avoid blame.


Thanks for reading.

No, it's not due to this contribution. You can delete the cron job though to prove it. Or, I suppose, the cron job could be setup incorrectly, in which case deleting it would remove the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've just switched from 1.3 to 1.5. All files generated fine. I have one notice when executing, at the top of /googlesitemap/index.php


Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_NEW_ACCT_NOTIFY already defined in .../googlesitemap/index.php on line 58


my Line 58: define($configuration['cfgKey'], $configuration['cfgValue']);


I have no clue what to check, and I relaize its probably not directly related to this module. A google search of the generic error yields 0 results. Your direction or input is appreciated.


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I'm noticing:


1. sitemapcategories.xml has each category listed twice. Not sure why


2. It seems because I have SPPC and Price break for SPPC installed, sitemapspecials.xml is listing each product special 7 times (once for each customer type I assume). Is their a way to limit that to just the public "retail" designation....



Thaks again


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I've just switched from 1.3 to 1.5. All files generated fine. I have one notice when executing, at the top of /googlesitemap/index.php


Notice: Constant MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_NEW_ACCT_NOTIFY already defined in .../googlesitemap/index.php on line 58


my Line 58: define($configuration['cfgKey'], $configuration['cfgValue']);


I have no clue what to check, and I relaize its probably not directly related to this module. A google search of the generic error yields 0 results. Your direction or input is appreciated.

It is just a warning due to the level you have error reporting set to and isn't anything to worry abut.

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I'm noticing:


1. sitemapcategories.xml has each category listed twice. Not sure why


2. It seems because I have SPPC and Price break for SPPC installed, sitemapspecials.xml is listing each product special 7 times (once for each customer type I assume). Is their a way to limit that to just the public "retail" designation....

The code would have to be edited to ignore the various groups other than the main one but that isn't something that would be covered in a support thread like this.

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The code would have to be edited to ignore the various groups other than the main one but that isn't something that would be covered in a support thread like this.


Jack, I've tried to sort this myself. Can you tell me if this is correct:


To fix duplicate categories in sitemapcategories.xml, on multi language shop

In /googlesitemap/sitemap.class.php


* Funciton to generate category sitemap data
* @[member='author'] Bobby Easland
* @version 1.1
* @[member='Return'] boolean
function GenerateCategorySitemap($languages_id) {
	$quotes = (defined('QUOTES_CATEGORY_NAME') ? " where cd.categories_name NOT LIKE '" . QUOTES_CATEGORY_NAME . "' " : '');
 $sql = "SELECT c.categories_id as cID, c.date_added, c.last_modified as last_mod
   FROM " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c left join " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd on c.categories_id = cd.categories_id
			and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'
	  " . $quotes . "
ORDER BY c.parent_id ASC, c.sort_order ASC, c.categories_id ASC";


and in /googlesitemap/index.php, changle line 157


- 	 if ($google->GenerateCategorySitemap()){
+	 if ($google->GenerateCategorySitemap($languages_id)){


That seems to have done it. Is there a better / more correct way?



Next, I will try to resolve the SPPC bug for specials

Edited by Roaddoctor


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If you use SPPC, have Customer Groups, and only wish your Retail group specials in your Google XML Sitemap SEO 1.5

In /googlesitemap/sitemap.class.php


ADD to the query


and s.customers_group_id = '0'


so it looks like this


function GenerateSpecialsSitemap($languages_id){
    $sql = "SELECT p.products_id as pID, s.specials_date_added as date_added, s.specials_last_modified as last_mod, p.products_ordered
		    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p left join " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd on p.products_id = pd.products_id left join " . TABLE_SPECIALS . " s on pd.products_id = s.products_id
	    where p.products_status = '1' and s.status = '1' and s.customers_group_id = '0' and pd.language_id = " . (int)$languages_id . " order by s.specials_date_added desc ";




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jack, Forgive me if this has been covered before but I haven't come across it yet.


Firstly thanks for the great contribution - very easy install and worked 1st time (if only they were all like that!!!)


I have a perfumes website (www.styleperfumes.co.uk) and it is organised so that only 5 categories are visible to the public (For Him, For Her, Gift Sets etc). The rest of the 90 odd categories are hidden from view as they are used for back of house organisation and, basically, mirror the manufacturers list.


So, for exanple, a single product such as a Hugo Boss man's Gift Set will appear in the following categories ->"For Him" (visible), "Gift Sets" (visible) and "Hugo Boss" (not visible).


My question is:- Will this multiple duplication of categories upset Google? If so is there anything I can do about it?


Thanks and best regards



Edited by simonhornby
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If the categories you submit cannot be see on the site, google will not accept them. To fix that, you would have to change the code in this contribution to ignore those categories.

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Hi Jack Thanks for the prompt reply.


To be honest I would be happy to excluse all categories from the sitemap and only show products and manufacturers. How can I remove categories?


BTW googlebot has been going mad overnight since I installed the sitemaps SEO contribution on my site - over 3000 page hits and counting.





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Hi Jack Thanks for the prompt reply.


To be honest I would be happy to excluse all categories from the sitemap and only show products and manufacturers. How can I remove categories?


BTW googlebot has been going mad overnight since I installed the sitemaps SEO contribution on my site - over 3000 page hits and counting.

You could turn off the option in the settings. If you do that, you should replace the file with a blank one and remove it fro your google sitemap account.

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  • 2 weeks later...

heelo forum,



i am getting the error on installing the sql file googlexml_sitemap_seo_v_1.5 on oscommerce 2.3.




[b]SQL query:[/b]
[url="our server"   INSERT INTO configuration_group( configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible )
'289','Google XML SEO','Google XML Sitemap SEO Options','29','1'

[b]MySQL said: [/b][url="ourserver][/url]
#1062 - Duplicate entry '289' for key 'PRIMARY'


i looked in my database-(configuration_group_id) it had added the entry ('289','Google XML SEO','Google XML Sitemap SEO Options','29','1' ) there-- i deleted that entry and tried again still same error, also i checked that database and there is no other

289 for the id??



any ideas how to proceed??


i had this contribution working fine on oscommerce 2.2





Edited by zpupster
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'289','Google XML SEO','Google XML Sitemap SEO Options','29','1'



i looked in my database-(configuration_group_id) it had added the entry ('289','Google XML SEO','Google XML Sitemap SEO Options','29','1' ) there-- i deleted that entry and tried again still same error, also i checked that database and there is no other

289 for the id??



any ideas how to proceed??

Please try changing the above line to
NULL,'Google XML SEO','Google XML Sitemap SEO Options','29','1'

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hey jack ,


thanks for replying.


tried the

[color="#000000"]VALUES [/color][color="#666600"]([/color]
[color="#000000"]NULL[/color][color="#666600"],[/color][color="#008800"]'Google XML SEO'[/color][color="#666600"],[/color][color="#008800"]'Google XML Sitemap SEO Options'[/color][color="#666600"],[/color][color="#008800"]'29'[/color][color="#666600"],[/color][color="#008800"]'1'[/color]


the sql run did not give me an error or a success.


it just added this at the end of my sql statement-


# 1 row affected.


checked the database table configuration_group table and it inserted the record but it did give it a numerical value of 305 for the id.





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hey jack,


i did a find and replace 289 to 555. i did not get a success when i ran the sql. just the #1 row affected.


i checked the database and the admin it looks like everthing is ok. have to look around a bit to see if all works.


thanks you for all your hard work.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jack,



when i setup the shop the addon was working properly, know that i'm almost finished I tried again and a got errors.



Opening /sitemapproducts.xml

FS_CAT /home/kozak/public_html/brievenbussen/

Server http://cozaki.net

Save Path /

WS_CAT /brievenbussen/



Warning: fopen(/sitemapproducts.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kozak/public_html/brievenbussen/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353


ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /sitemapcategories.xml

FS_CAT /home/kozak/public_html/brievenbussen/

Server http://cozaki.net

Save Path /

WS_CAT /brievenbussen/



Warning: fopen(/sitemapcategories.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kozak/public_html/brievenbussen/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353


ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /sitemapindex.xml

FS_CAT /home/kozak/public_html/brievenbussen/

Server http://cozaki.net

Save Path /

WS_CAT /brievenbussen/



Warning: fopen(/sitemapindex.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kozak/public_html/brievenbussen/googlesitemap/sitemap.class_Alternate.php on line 353


ERROR: Google Sitemap Index Generation FAILED!




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 38



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 20





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /sitemapproducts.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[1] => Array


[file] => /sitemapcategories.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[2] => Array


[file] => /sitemapindex.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false







you know why?



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Sorry Jack,


I found why. I build a shop under a subdomain.

I used as YOUR DOMAIN : www.cozaki.net/brievenbussen in place of www.brievenbussen.cozaki.net

The shop can be accessed by both names but not the sitemapgenerator.


I post it because it could maybe help somebody.





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  • 1 month later...

Maybe the answer is somewhere in this thread, but I haven't found it.


My products sitemap looks like this:



<loc>http://[my site]/product_info.php?products_id=368</loc>






<loc>http://[my site]/product_info.php?products_id=126</loc>






I have SEO urls on and the site displays the names of the products also in the address line, shouldn't the names also be shown in the sitemap?

Edited by Eszaraxe

osCommerce 2.3.1 - QTPro 4.6.1 - Ultimate SEO URL's 5 Pro r205 - Discount Code 3.1 - Column listing with smart columns - Products Sort and some more

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Maybe the answer is somewhere in this thread, but I haven't found it.


My products sitemap looks like this:

I have SEO urls on and the site displays the names of the products also in the address line, shouldn't the names also be shown in the sitemap?

This contribution works with Ultimate SEO v2.2d. If you have some other url rewriter installed, it may not work. There is another contribution based on this one that may work for you.

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This contribution works with Ultimate SEO v2.2d. If you have some other url rewriter installed, it may not work. There is another contribution based on this one that may work for you.
Edited by Eszaraxe

osCommerce 2.3.1 - QTPro 4.6.1 - Ultimate SEO URL's 5 Pro r205 - Discount Code 3.1 - Column listing with smart columns - Products Sort and some more

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting this on my site error log:


[20-May-2012 00:00:01] PHP Warning:  Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0


Since it happens every Sunday, when I have Google XML Sitemap chron run, I have to assume that is what is causing it. The sitemaps are being generated OK, so nothing is really wrong as far as I can tell, I just wanted to know if this error is anything I should be concerned with.

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I'm getting this on my site error log:


[20-May-2012 00:00:01] PHP Warning:  Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

That's a server problem. You need to ask your host to look at it.

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I just installed it and and am getting this error:



Opening /sitemapproducts.xml

FS_CAT /home/sites/www.mysite.com/web/

Server http://www.mysite.com

Save Path /


ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /sitemapcategories.xml

FS_CAT /home/sites/www.mysite.com/web/

Server http://www.mysite.com

Save Path /


ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Opening /sitemapindex.xml

FS_CAT /home/sites/www.mysite.com/web/

Server http://www.mysite.com

Save Path /


ERROR: Google Sitemap Index Generation FAILED!




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 28683



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 1000





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /sitemapproducts.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[1] => Array


[file] => /sitemapcategories.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false



[2] => Array


[file] => /sitemapindex.xml

[status] => failure

[file_exists] => false






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I just installed it and and am getting this error:

What's happens when you change the Sitemap file setting to alternate.

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