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admin path incorrect after new install.


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Hi ya

I have the admin folder path incorrect in the setup and now I cant find the location to change it. I found the install routine fine except for the locations of folders relevent to what, some where relevent to the catalog folder and some to the root folder and others you could put a URL in.




Could someone help please?



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Glad to hear that you got it worked out. If you haven't already done it...I'd suggest the Manual from http://www.oscdox.com. It will help with most of those "starting out" questions. Enjoy!


Thanks Kim


I did, but I didnt find the configuration file in my admin directory to change it. :?


And I pannicked and posted to the forum.


Good to see some more Elliott's around.... :lol:


Tony Elliott

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Howdy Cousin!


Did you find the admin config? If not, it's admin/includes/configure.php.


yep Found it Fixed it!

Now onward to make it look like mine..... :)


Cheers Kim



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