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The e-commerce.

Add Button link not on oscommerce page


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My customer wants product pages located outside of the oscommerce folder so the pages can be customized.

I am able to get the View Cart, Buy Now buttons/links to work fine.


However, I am not able to get the Add to Cart link to work.

From what I can tell it should be the following path:



When you click on the link it takes you to the shopping cart, but does not add the product to the cart.

What am I doing wrong?

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I should clarify this even though I don't think it matters.

The store actually already has product pages within the store folder.

What we are doing is also putting product pages in other locations of the web. So, what would happen is if the visitor clicks on any links (including more info on product) they go to the store product page within the store folder.

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Here is another scenario. Want to customize category pages. So when a person clicks on a category, we have customized category page. On he category page there would be a list of products and we would want it so the customer could click an add to cart button so they could add the product to their cart without licking on the link to the product page.

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