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Securing MySQL users for OSCommerce - Tutorial/Instructions


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Would someone please review this workup on configuring your mysql users for OSCommerce. The recommended setup is working great for me on my server. I would really appreciate if you would run through the tutorial but can also provide a mysql insert file to automatically load a user with the permissions for you.


You can pick it up here: http://www.hipware.com/osc/


Comments/Suggestions/Constructive Criticism appreciated.




David O.


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I updated the Securing MySQL Users for osCommerce with some grammar fixes, one update to the privileges for products_descriptions and extended some explanations.


If you picked it up yesterday, there is that one change for the table privileges as well as a little more on how to check that your changes took effect.


It's working well for me and look I forward to feedback from people who are familiar with the database structure and newbies trying to use it. From my logs I see there have been 20 downloads so far - not bad in its first day!


You can pick it up from http://www.hipware.com/osc/osc-mysql.pdf


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Because of a little thing called quality control. I like my contributions reviewed and tested before they are contributed to the group as a whole. I'd rather have a few interested parties help me resolve problems than create problems on a broader scale by releasing a flawed contribution to everyone.


Once I get feedback and resolve any problems anyone using it has had it will be submitted to the Contribs section. Thanks for asking.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Silence = Death


With over 100 hits and over 30 downloads, I never heard back from anyone whether this worked or not for them. I assume there is some interest but not enough for me to contribute this. I have killed this project since it's not worth my time to document it if no one is going to use it or has interest in it. I will keep and update it internally for my own use so IM or email me if you are interested..


Site Administrator - feel free to delete this entire topic.


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