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The e-commerce.

Installtion Problem


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Hi All,


Im new to osCommerce, i installed php, mysql and download osCommerce and unzip it into my computer under c:\inetpub\wwwroot and named it as oscommerce.


i try to install the oscommerce using the web interface through http://localhost/oscommerce/catalog/install/index.php, i saw the welcome screen, left hand side i can see my php version - 5.2.4,


PHP Settings

register_globals Off

magic_quotes Off

file_uploads On

session.auto_start Off

session.use_trans_sid Off


PHP Extensions

MySQL - no (red cross mark)

GD - no (red cross mark)

cURL - no (red cross mark)

OpenSSL - no (red cross mark)


May i know Mysql - no (red cross mark) meaning i din install my MYSQL correctly?


After i click on continue, i insert these value and try to install,

Database Server - localhost

Username - root

Password - blank, i din put password for this (i din set password for my root account)

Database Name - oscommerce (created this database in MYSQL but without any table inside)


After i clicked on "continue", around bottom left, i saw testing database connection message, and this message just keep running and running, for around half an hour, is it supposed to be so long? or is it my setting wrong?


Thanks with best regards,


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I get the same issue with my installation


It's on a dedicated server, the MySql installation works fine, there are already about 12 databases running just fine to multiple other sites.


The server is Windows Server, the MySql version is 5, php5 and OSCommerce 2.2 rc2a


The report I get on first install page is


PHP Version 5.2.5


PHP Settings

register_globals Off (tick)

magic_quotes Off (tick)

file_uploads On (tick)

session.auto_start Off (tick)

session.use_trans_sid Off (tick)



PHP Extensions

MySQL (cross)

GD (tick)

cURL (tick)

OpenSSL (cross)




As the user above experiences I get the "Testing database connection..." message and nothing progresses beyond that.


Any ideas what could be causing the OSC installation and MySql to not talk?

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