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Need help on Feedback Contrib


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I've included the feedback contribution to our site. Everything seems to be fine but when I test it, it redirects me to our "contact us" page although I'd input right information on the text boxes..


What should be the problem?..


and one more thing, in the admin section, where I can access the customer's feedback, it displays this text


"Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/ephil/public_html/admin/includes/filenames.php:155) in /home/ephil/public_html/admin/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 97"


Please help I don't know what else I'll do, I'd exactly done the directions included on the contrib...

Malou Constantino

e-Philippines Adventure Travel and Destinations


Tel: (632)7079001

Fax: (632)4030433


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