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The e-commerce.

Global Variable ON


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I was discussing the template with a PHP programer and mentioned that if global vairable is ON then it's possible to insert any data into the database. This is what he said.




"the variables like http://site.com/index.php?user=bob&authorized=1 become part of the code, no matter if they were initialized in the code. Even if the code doesn't have $user = $_GET['user']. People can put any variables they want directly to the code.

If the template was developed with globals On, it is supposed to have security against such attack. But other sites on this server are not secure"


Is there any security in the code? This is an ecommerce template and I'm sure there is a way to secure it.


Any help.


Thank you,


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Unfortunatly templates contain non-standard often out-dated code that is often somewhat modified from the core version, so are impossible to support except by the template writer, I suggest you speak to them.


Security is rarely of any importance to template writers, they're only interested in making it pretty so u buy it, they don't care about the code.





Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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