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PHP & MySQL 4 to 5?


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I just recently purchased a template from template monster. It says that the OsCommerce Version is osCommerce 2.2-MS2. The software required says PHP 4 and MySQL 4. The thing is I have PHP 5 and MySQL 5. I am seeing errors everywhere. How can I upgrade their files so it will work on my server? Can someone point me in the right direction?



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you would need to speak to Template monster for support. Alot of their templates are very poor coding and often rely on out of date server configurations.

I dont help with templates (thats what the seller is for)


th search function will often help, when it dont try this in google.


site:http://www.oscommerce.com/forums then your search word

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I have tried talking to them and all they have to say is "well it says PHP 4 and MySQL 4 in the software requirements"


What is the difference between osCommerce 2.2 MS and osCommerce 2.2 RC2?


I just paid 165 dollars on a template and I cant use it :(

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You could try to apply all the mysql5 patches, see the link in my signature block, I believe those bu**ers will give you and mysql5 compatible template for a fee.

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Who still has mysql 4 now anyway. I forgot the last time I had a server with that.



Exactly yet monster templates still push the templates out.

I dont help with templates (thats what the seller is for)


th search function will often help, when it dont try this in google.


site:http://www.oscommerce.com/forums then your search word

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Personally I'd run on php5 and do all the patches.



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