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Help I cannot edit the shipping module


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This might be down to a recent add-on I have made (discount coupons 3.32) but I have an awful problem. If however this isn't a separate then admin please feel free to delete this post.


Basically we need to amend delivery to the table rate so delivery is free to orders over £15 (its currently £10) and basically table rate is nowhere to be found and we now cannot edit anything.


Please could anyone help or can I at least get in somewhere and adjust the PHP code manually so we can make this change?


Any help gratefully received.


Best regards

Debbie Harrison


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Have you been trying to create your own delivery methods by copying rate.php to say rate1.php.


If so try deleting the new file (rate1.php).

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go to admin, then modules, shipping table rate is in there, just click on edit and chang the values as required? I cant see why that dont work

I dont help with templates (thats what the seller is for)


th search function will often help, when it dont try this in google.


site:http://www.oscommerce.com/forums then your search word

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Hi rickster


I have tried all that. As said in my original post, I have added discount coupons 3.32 which seems to have disabled my shipping controls.


This is the default screen




And this is the order totals (discount coupons screen).




However, not even their shipping adjustments work. The old controls work I just want to know if I can adjust these manually in the code.


Actually I was intrigued when I got the notification for this topic, because at the same time I got an "OSCommerce specialist" spam me for £15 per hour


GeofferyWalton I am keen for you to elaborate on your original post this morning. :)

Debbie Harrison


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Anywhere in the modules (including the languages/modules) directories, including subdirectories, remove all files that are not installed. This includes backups. eg includes/modules/shipping/testof renamed.php should be removed.

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Coopco probably explained it better than me, if you have 2 copies of the same payment module in the payments directory it stops you being able to maintain any of them.


By renaming the original file to say rate-bk.php you had 2 copies of the same file. This is one case where backing up messes you up.


By deleting the bk file you removed the source of the problem.

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