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Email, Newsletter, Contacts Form - No Errors, yet no emails?


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I am running Windows Server and have installed: smtp through the authentication smtp server : contribution add-on, when you visit my site and fill the contacts form it replies saying that "Your enquiry has been successfully sent to the Store Owner.", In the email module (OSCommerce-Admin) I get " Notice: Email sent to: [email protected]" , Under the newsletter module I get "Finished sending e-mails!" No errors!!! Yet no email? I also logged in as a new customer and it says that a confirmation email has been sent, but no emails are received. I have not tested the order email yet, but I think that it wouldn't also work.


My settings are:



E-Mail Transport Method: smtp

E-Mail Linefeeds: CRLF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails :false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS: false

Send E-Mails: true

SMTP Server Host Address: mail.mysite.com

SMTP Server EHLO / HELO Name: www.mysite.com

SMTP Server Port Number 25

SMTP Authentication Required: false

SMTP Authentication Username: [email protected]

SMTP Authentication Password: xxxxxxx


<All the same email settings which work in incredimail>


I turned on DEBUG on "SMTP Authentication Contribution" and Im getting this in 'smtp.log':


array(1) {


string(214) "Failed to connect to server: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.



string(40) "


SMTP debug enabled in class.smtp.php



array(2) {


string(214) "Failed to connect to server: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.



string(14) "Not connected!"


string(40) "


SMTP debug enabled in class.smtp.php






I have been reading and trying everything, I get NO ERRORS , yet no emails/newsletters come through....... HELP!!!! I've been at this for a month now!!

I have customized a lot of my grahics so I'm affraid of re-istalling OSCommerce and loosing my work.


My site: www.noahsark-petshop.com/catalog/index.php






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If neither method worked, then you should contact your webhost.





Hi Jared:


I contacted the webhost and they said that SMTP is dissabled from the webserver due to shared server. I set , my transport Method to "sendmail" and when I run email_test, I receive an email with :


This email has been sent from the native php mail() function. >>> http://noahsark-petshop.com/catalog/email_test.php


What changes do I need to make to OSCOmmerce so the Email,Newsletter and Contact script work?


Thanks a million!!


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Hi Jared:


I contacted the webhost and they said that SMTP is dissabled from the webserver due to shared server. I set , my transport Method to "sendmail" and when I run email_test, I receive an email with :


This email has been sent from the native php mail() function. >>> http://noahsark-petshop.com/catalog/email_test.php


What changes do I need to make to OSCOmmerce so the Email,Newsletter and Contact script work?


Thanks a million!!




02/22/09: I tried installing an add-on and it crashed everything, So I reinstalled OSCommerce and reran email_test and I receied the same thing : This email has been sent from the native php mail() function.

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02/22/09: I tried installing an add-on and it crashed everything, So I reinstalled OSCommerce and reran email_test and I receied the same thing : This email has been sent from the native php mail() function.


Are your osC emails working now?

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  • 4 weeks later...


Thanks for the link Jared!


I downloaded that and started testing... I found a couple of problems on my php.ini file that needed to be addressed. I'm working on a development server and forgot to setup the SMTP settings.


When i called the email_test.php file and send an email using it, i do get one message in my inbox that says:

"This email has been sent from the native php mail() function."


However, I am still getting the following message after the submit the form.

PHP Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address in <--path to site -->\catalog\includes\classes\email.php on line 522


I checked out line 522 and here's what it says:

return mail($to, $subject, $this->output, 'From: '.$from.$this->lf.implode($this->lf, $this->headers).$this->lf.implode($this->lf, $xtra_headers));


unfortunately, i'm not savvy enough to know where the addresses are coming from :-(


Am i heading in the right direction? If so, where should i be looking for these addresses?


thanks all!

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