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I'm trying to implement the SEO URLs on a Portuguese language site, but i'm geting the page error 404... Anyone have an idea how can i solve this???


One more question...


SEO URLs realy improve the perfomance on one osCommerce site????




Any comment or help will be appretiated...



Best Regards

João Carrolo


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I'm trying to implement the SEO URLs on a Portuguese language site, but i'm geting the page error 404... Anyone have an idea how can i solve this???


One more question...


SEO URLs realy improve the perfomance on one osCommerce site????




Any comment or help will be appretiated...



Best Regards

João Carrolo




Exist the Ultimate SEO URLs and SEO-G...


Witch are the diferences between them???


What in yor oppinion must be installed to get the best results???


Best Regards

Joao Carrolo


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Exist the Ultimate SEO URLs and SEO-G...


Witch are the diferences between them???


What in yor oppinion must be installed to get the best results???


Best Regards

Joao Carrolo



You might get some info on this in the support thread.

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You might get some info on this in the support thread.



I already take a look on support thread...


I'm not shore about what i must install and what is the most appropriate for me, the SEO-G or the Ultimate SEO URLs... And with this post I’m trying to have any feedback about these two contributions...


I Think the problem is because my language is Portuguese and because that I’m forced to use character’s like á, à, ã, ç, ", ' (, ), and others...


The support thread is very large and anyone can feel a little bit lost inside the support thread...



Best Regards

João Carrolo


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I try the Ultimate SEO URLs and SEO-g, anyone give me allways a blank page HTTP 404...


Like all changes, i allways try to implement any changes in local mode, with EasyPHP 2.0b1 and only if it's working i publish all files online, so my question is, there is any limitation using EasyPHP 2.0b1 ??? I need to change any configuration???? Where i must change the configurations...


Anyone can help????




Best Regards

João Carrolo

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I try the Ultimate SEO URLs and SEO-g, anyone give me allways a blank page HTTP 404...


Like all changes, i allways try to implement any changes in local mode, with EasyPHP 2.0b1 and only if it's working i publish all files online, so my question is, there is any limitation using EasyPHP 2.0b1 ??? I need to change any configuration???? Where i must change the configurations...


Anyone can help????




Best Regards

João Carrolo



OK... I have the SEO URLs working in local mode... I have only one last question to see if anyone can help me...


The Category name is: Iluminação auto


I must have something similar to:


But i have with strange characters:ção-auto-c-12.html


It´s displaying properly on the web page but when i click i have that strange sintax, i know the problem it caused because special characters...


Any one can help on this last issue to get this working properly????



I appretiate any help



Best Regards

João Carrolo


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