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The e-commerce.

Am I being ripped off by my developer?


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Dear Board,


I recently asked my webdeveloper to install an add on to my existing OScommerce website www.sylvancompany.com . The add on is the "Featured Products 1.6.3". I printed out the installation instructions and can see it clearly states that it should take 15-20minutes to install. The web designer/developer says he needs to bill me for 20 hours for the installation and that it was so difficult because my website was not started from scratch and that it is much more complicated when dealing with an existing website. I have a hard time believing that it could really take 20 hours for an expert. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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Perhaps they don't really know what their doing, so it took them ages to work it out?


The site looks template based, is it?



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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somethings to remember is the time the devleoper of the contribution is either what it takes them to install it or a estimate, another thing is that most times are based on a stock install. If you have a heavily modified site then this may take longer.


However installing a simple contribution should not take 20 hours at all. If they was writting it from scratch then fair enough.


I build and maintain OSC stores and when someone asks me to install something for them I give them a rough idea of how long its going to take ie 1-2 hours. If it takes me longer than my esitmate i will still only charge within what i originally said.

I dont help with templates (thats what the seller is for)


th search function will often help, when it dont try this in google.


site:http://www.oscommerce.com/forums then your search word

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