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Why the font of my product description are not same with the original oscomemrce?


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i have a weird issue, why my products description are not same with the original oscommerce font. So every time i write my description must in html form, i must make a style first then write the description. i think that is realy annoying and make me slow.


Please tell me what should i do to solve this problem? thank you. :huh:



Beginner in php programming and still learning from this forums.

Special thanks for Oscommerce Community Forums that help me a lot. :-)

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that must have something to do with your stylesheet I think. You can find in your catalog folder.


my stylesheet are ok, just i don,t know why my descripton can't use my .main class in my stylesheet automaticaly, so i must write the script to define my font style every time i write my description, and it very slow me down.


one again, anyone know what should i do know?



Beginner in php programming and still learning from this forums.

Special thanks for Oscommerce Community Forums that help me a lot. :-)

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