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The e-commerce.

Categories on transfer calling unknown external site


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I've transfered what was a fully functional osCommerce site to a new host.

The problem I have is that the categories in the categories box are not from this site.

The correct categories are visable when the site first loads but then once you go into any of them the categories box not only changes the list but the style also.


I've googled, search forums and gone a little nuts trying to find a solution to this issue but have found no reference to it anywhere.


Please if anyone has any suggestions it will be much appreciated as my sanity is now in question.





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In your admin set "Use cache" to false


Save it.


You're on a shared server and are evidently sharing the same cache with another store.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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My dear friend MSBROOKE is currently on the phone in the other office but I have just messaged her that you have provided the fix for this site.... she begs me to tell you " I LOVE YOU" and she is doing a major happy dance around the office.... This STOOPID issue has befuddled us for some time and she was about to give it all up and throw away her career over this issue.... You have not only saved her but in turn saved my best colleague


THANK YOU!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxx

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Hi Germ,


I thank you and the voices in your head.


You are a star and my hero.







In your admin set "Use cache" to false


Save it.


You're on a shared server and are evidently sharing the same cache with another store.


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