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free shipping freature and Order Total


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Hi every one sorry about the last post I was freeking out anyway my question is this when in modules>Order Total I enable free shipping and or low order fee it does not seem to work. I have green dot enabled it as well as gone in and edited and enabled it there too. actually if I enable or disable any of the features under Order Total it does not affect any thing am I missing some thing any help or direction would be good:


the cart



the admin


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There are a number of posts on this issue and they all refer users to that same contibution, but never address the issue: the base Free Shipping functionality does not work. I, at least, have never gotten it to work on any of 5 separate installs.


Has anyone sucessfully configured the Order Totals>Shipping>Free Shipping module?





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If its the free shipping with amount, it does in fact work, you just have to confirm the order before you realize it. Try it, for example by setting the free shipping amount to some figure, load up your cart above that amount, then when you get to the shipping section, just pick some random shipping method. When you get to the final confirmation page, you'll notice that the shipping price is in fact zero.


This can be considered a big usability issue, actually. If an order total qualifies for free shipping, a user should be able to either select free shipping as an option, or elect to pay for faster/more expensive shipping on the customer's dime.


In fact, with the free shipping mod, your customers don't in fact have the luxury of deciding if they want faster shipping. :roll: That doesn't make much sense to me... but it does accomplish the feat of free shipping and is certainly better than any contribution I've made!

Ryan Thrash

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I instaled Free Shipping w/ Minimum Amount module followed directions but it fails to show up in the menu am I doing any thing wrong do you need to modify the db for this can any one help please



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I instaled Free Shipping w/ Minimum Amount module followed directions but it fails to show up in the menu am I doing any thing wrong do you need to modify the db for this can any one help please




I think you're experiencing the same thing I mentioned in my post above. Complete a test transaction and see if it actually charges for shipping. I think it's more of an interface/usability issue rather than a functionality problem.

Ryan Thrash

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