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Tax invisible


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Hello, I have a question that can not resolve. There is a percentage that is added to the price of the item and not the rate, if you have someone you can help me to remove it.



Hola, tengo una duda que no consigo resolver. Hay un porcentaje que se añade al precio del articulo y no es la taxa, haber si alguien de ustedes me puede ayudar, para eliminarlo.


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Would this be the default tax that is set up when osc is installed.


Look in your shop admin and sort out your taxes.

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Would this be the default tax that is set up when osc is installed.


Look in your shop admin and sort out your taxes.



Hello, erase taxes, but there is a percentage added to the price net. What could it be?


Hola, quite las taxas de impuestos pero hay un porcentaje que se añade solo al precio net. Que puede ser?

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