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Checkout PHP Error


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I receive the following error when going from the shopping cart to 'Checkout'


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/hsphere/local/home/sidmel/mycomfyhome.com/catalog/includes/classes/ups.php:159) in /home/hsphere/local/home/sidmel/mycomfyhome.com/catalog/checkout_payment.php on line 32


I haven't been able to track down exactly what's happening, any suggestions?



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Odds are, you have code being called twice. In my experiences, its usually something added to application_top.php thats already there.


Some addon instructions ask you to add a line to application_top.php that references another file like add_application_top.php. I have found code embedded within these files that may can overlap code added directly to application_top.php.


If you have recently installed any addons, you may want to start there.


Good Luck.



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I did finally come across the faqs page right after the post. I checked the code, finally backed up my work and did a fresh install. I still get the error when I reach that point. Don't have any addons that I'm aware of, but I'll keep at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Open ups.php in /catalog/includes/classes and go to the end of the file. There is some white space there. Delete everything after the last tag ?> and it should work if there was white space.

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