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Incorporating OSCommerce into a High Street Store


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My colleague and I own a high street skateboard shop, currently with no inventory control or barcode tracking system in place. We also want to open an Online Store using OSCommerce. I have used this program before, and am very pleased with the results, but to update the site every night takes a long time.


We are looking at incorporating it into the actual high street shop and have a customer set as ?Actual Store? and another as ?Mail Order? for sales in different departments, this would be so we could track how much is taken through the shop, amil order and ecommerce.


We will be having a permanent 600K/1Mbit broadband connection to the shop, and have several PC?s running the software. When completing a sale, these PC?s will automatically ?delete? the items from the website, as a lot of the boards we sell are one-off?s and if we sell it in the shop, we don?t want someone buying it online at the same time.


What we would like, ideally, is to have PC1 with the permanent customer details of ?Actual Shop?, PC2 with the permanent customer details of ?Mail Order? (Not too difficult), but we don?t want to have to go through all the payment procedures when they do a checkout. They should just be able to add stuff to the cart, and then click the ?Buy Now? button and be shown a total, take the money from the customer and click ?Finalize Sale?. This would be dependant on their username and password.


The second idea is a bit more tricky? We would like to have the items in the shop barcoded, so when a customer comes to the till, the sales assistant doesn?t have to click through the site to find the item, they just scan the barcode and it adds it directly to the shopping cart. But for this to work, when an item is added to the database, a barcode entry would have to be generated with a legit barcode to go with it. I have had no dealings with barcodes in the past, and about 50% of the things we sell do not have barcodes on them initially.


Are we just dreaming to get this working, or is it a possibility? I could probably do the first section (in a roundabout sort of way), but as for the barcoding - no chance of that for me ;)


If someone has had experience in the barcode details and implementaion, we would like to discuss commisioning you to modify OSCommerce for our needs.



Many Thanks

Ian Gunter

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The way a lot of small stores do it is as follows:


Rather than close the store and spend days scanning in the bar codes

(which would mean loss of sales, unless you want to work outside opening hours )


You run your normal system with the new barcode system in place.


When a customer approaches with products. You scan the item's barcode

enter the price and run it through. This way as you make sales you are constantly adding to your database of barcodes.


When new stock arrives, you take the cartons barcode and scan in the code/price and quantity. So as the days build up , your bar codes increase until all stock is in the new system.


O.k. it may take a few seconds more, but as far as the customer knows

youre just doing routine maintainence.


Barcode systems are commonly called EPOS systems

Electronic Point of Sale.


As for the EPOS system and yourOSC store....


you'll have to fin someone to link the two databases.

Can be tricky.


Or you could manually update the stock in OSC as sales in the store occur.


Good Luck.

Special Effects / 3d + Flash

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You can print whatever informaiton you like on a barcode, include cartridge returns.


I see the barcode side of things as the easy part of your problem... just create a modified search screen, scan the barcode (printed with a CR on it) and viola, your system will search by model or name or whatever you like really... though I'd probably stick with the model.

"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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Thanks for that...


I'll be sending off to loads of shop system companies to recieve info on their products and try to find some information on incorporating this.





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  • 5 months later...



I just came across your post and I wonder if you could give us an update as to whether you succeded, and if so how you went about it...








with ten thousand dollars we'll all be millionaires

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  • 1 month later...


I just came across your post and I wonder if you could give us an update as to whether you succeded, and if so how you went about it...









same here as i runa online skate shop and one day want to open a real shop

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  • 4 years later...
My colleague and I own a high street skateboard shop, currently with no inventory control or barcode tracking system in place. We also want to open an Online Store using OSCommerce. I have used this program before, and am very pleased with the results, but to update the site every night takes a long time.

We are looking at incorporating it into the actual high street shop and have a customer set as �Actual Store� and another as �Mail Order� for sales in different departments, this would be so we could track how much is taken through the shop, amil order and ecommerce.

We will be having a permanent 600K/1Mbit broadband connection to the shop, and have several PC�s running the software. When completing a sale, these PC�s will automatically �delete� the items from the website, as a lot of the boards we sell are one-off�s and if we sell it in the shop, we don�t want someone buying it online at the same time.

What we would like, ideally, is to have PC1 with the permanent customer details of �Actual Shop�, PC2 with the permanent customer details of �Mail Order� (Not too difficult), but we don�t want to have to go through all the payment procedures when they do a checkout. They should just be able to add stuff to the cart, and then click the �Buy Now� button and be shown a total, take the money from the customer and click �Finalize Sale�. This would be dependant on their username and password.

The second idea is a bit more tricky� We would like to have the items in the shop barcoded, so when a customer comes to the till, the sales assistant doesn�t have to click through the site to find the item, they just scan the barcode and it adds it directly to the shopping cart. But for this to work, when an item is added to the database, a barcode entry would have to be generated with a legit barcode to go with it. I have had no dealings with barcodes in the past, and about 50% of the things we sell do not have barcodes on them initially.

Are we just dreaming to get this working, or is it a possibility? I could probably do the first section (in a roundabout sort of way), but as for the barcoding - no chance of that for me ;)

If someone has had experience in the barcode details and implementaion, we would like to discuss commisioning you to modify OSCommerce for our needs.

Many Thanks

Ian Gunter


Hi Ian


Was wondering how you got on with it all - we are looking at the same thing

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